
2021-08-25 12:17:52 字數 1831 閱讀 1527

alter table 只允許新增可包含空值或指定了 default 定義的列。

如果:if exists(select 1 from sysobjects where name = n'tab_test') and not exists(select 1 from sysobjects a, syscolumns b where b.id = a.id and b.name = n'col_test' and a.name = n'tab_test')

alter table tab_test

add col_test smallint not null



第1種辦法:在add column時指定列有default

alter table tab_test

add col_test not null constraint dftab_test_col_test default 1

第2種辦法:先給表增加個table_constraint default,再alter column

alter table tab_test

add constraint dftab_test_col_test default 1 for col_testalter table tab_test

alter column col_test int not null


if exists(select 1 from sysobjects where name = n'tab_test') and not exists(select 1 from sysobjects a, syscolumns b where b.id = a.id and b.name = n'col_test' and a.name = n'tab_test')

alter table tab_test

add col_test smallint

goalter table tab_test

alter column col_test smallint not null


alter table table_name

alter column column_name

)][null|not null]

| add

[ ,...n ]

| drop

] }< column_definition > ::=

[ [ default constant_expression ]

| identity [ ( seed , increment ) ]

] [rowguidcol]

[ < column_constraint > ] [ ...n ] ]

< column_constraint > ::=

[ null | not null ]

[ constraint constraint_name ]

| references ref_table [ (ref_column) ]

[ on delete ]

[ on update ]

}< table_constraint > ::=

[ constraint constraint_name ]

| foreign key

( column [ ,...n ] )

references ref_table [ (ref_column [ ,...n ] ) ]

[ on delete ]

[ on update ]



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SQL Server 如何設定某列自增

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