oracle 函式返回乙個集合

2021-08-25 15:30:13 字數 3057 閱讀 1840

create or replace function  text(

starttime   in varchar2,

endtime     in varchar2,

timetype    in number,

spid        in number, 

pagesize    in number,

currentpage in number,

datacount   out number

)return  white_list_type_array as

strsql      varchar2(1000);

spinfos     white_list_type_array;

rs          sys_refcursor;

id          number;

sp_name     varchar2(200);

sp_code     varchar2(200);

sp_status   number;

sp_type     number;

mdn_count   number;

record      whitlistcount;

pageinfo    white_list_type_array;

i           number;

a           number;

currentsize number;

pattern     varchar2(20);

psize       number;



i         := 1;

spinfos   := white_list_type_array();

if timetype = 0 then

pattern := 'yyyy-mm-dd';


pattern := 'yyyy_mm';

end if;


-- 或許企業編號、 名稱、 id

strsql := 'select  id, sp_code, sp_name ,sp_type  ,sp_status  from nm_sp_info where id != 0  ';

if spid > 0 then

strsql := strsql || ' and id ='||spid ;

end if;

open rs for strsql;


fetch rs

into id, sp_name, sp_code,sp_type ,sp_status;

exit when rs%notfound;

strsql := 'select count(mdn) from nm_net_user_' || id || ' where 1=1 ';

if starttime is not null then

strsql := strsql || ' and to_char(modify_time,''' || pattern ||

''') >= ''' || starttime || '''';

end if;

if starttime is not null then

strsql := strsql || ' and to_char(modify_time,''' || pattern ||

''') <= ''' || endtime || '''';

end if;

execute immediate strsql into mdn_count;


record := whitlistcount(id, sp_name, sp_code,sp_type,sp_status,mdn_count);

spinfos(i) := record;

i := i + 1;

end loop;

close rs ;

datacount := spinfos.count;


i := i -1;

if currentpage < 1 then

return null;

end if;

if currentpage < 2 then

currentsize := 1;


currentsize := (currentpage - 1) * pagesize;

currentsize := currentsize + 1;

end if;

if i < currentsize then

return null;

end if;

if i = pagesize then

psize := pagesize;


if i < currentsize + pagesize then

psize := mod(i, pagesize);

end if;

end if;

if psize is null then

psize := pagesize;

end if;

a        := 1;

i        := 1;

pageinfo := white_list_type_array();


for i in currentsize..psize + currentsize - 1 loop

pageinfo(a) := spinfos(i);

a := a + 1;

end loop;


return pageinfo;

end  text;

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