
2021-08-25 20:39:09 字數 3176 閱讀 4022


select owner, segment_name, sum(bytes) / 1024 / 1024  m

from dba_segments

where segment_type in ('table', 'index') and owner='bomc2'

group by segment_name, owner

order by m desc;


create tablespace test_tablespace datafile '/opt/oracle/product/9.2.0/dbs/test_tablespace.dbf' size 512m  autoextend on next 5m maxsize unlimited default storage (initial 128k next 2m pctincrease 0);


(1)先在庫中檢視下建立的檔案都放在什麼地方?select * from dba_data_files;

(2)create tablespace echanel_es datafile '/data/oracle/oradata/momc/test.dbf'

size 2048m  autoextend on next 5m maxsize unlimited

default storage (initial 128k next 2m pctincrease 0);

--initial 128k,因為,使用者建在表空間上,而表建在使用者裡,為使用者所擁有,



--autoextend on next 5m maxsize unlimited,設定資料檔案自動擴充套件,每一次擴充套件增加5m,最大空間不受限


alter tablespace test_tablespace owner to aaaa;


alter database datafile '/oradata/k12db/test_tablespace.dbf' resize 1000m;

alter database datafile '/data/oracle/oradata/momc/test.dbf' resize 2000m;


select parameter,value from v$nls_parameters


select file_name,tablespace_name,bytes,user_blocks from dba_data_files;

create user bomc identified by bomc default tablespace test_tablespace temporary tablespace temp

grant create user,drop user,alter user,create any view,drop any view,exp_full_database,imp_full_database,dba,connect,resource,create session to bomc;

(1)資料庫名字:echannel 。


(3)drop user duyf cascade;


including contents:刪除表空間中的內容,如果表中有內容而未加此引數,則表刪除不掉。

cascade onstraints:刪除表中的外來鍵參照。

drop tablespace duyf including contents and datafiles cascade onstraints;


create temporary tablespace zfdb  

tempfile 'd:\oracle\product\10.2.0\oradata\user_temp.dbf' 

size 50m  

autoextend on  

next 50m maxsize 20480m  

extent management local; 

create tablespace zfdb  


datafile 'd:\oracle\product\10.2.0\oradata\user_data.dbf' 

size 50m  

autoextend on  

next 50m maxsize 20480m  

extent management local;


drop tablespace zfdb including contents and datafiles;

(3)-- create the user

create user zf

identified by "zf"

default tablespace zfdb

profile default;

-- grant/revoke role privileges(都是針對使用者名稱)

grant connect to zf;

grant dba to zf;

grant exp_full_database to zf;

grant imp_full_database to zf;

grant resource to zf;

-- grant/revoke system privileges

grant alter user to zf;

grant create any view to zf;

grant create session to zf;

grant create user to zf;

grant drop any view to zf;

grant drop user to zf;

grant unlimited tablespace to zf;


select from dba users 檢視所有使用者 select from user all tables 查詢當前使用者表空間 select from user source 查詢所有函式和儲存過程 select from v session 檢視當前使用者連線 select from s...


顯示資料庫所有分割槽表的資訊 dba part tables 顯示當前使用者可訪問的所有分割槽表資訊 all part tables 顯示當前使用者所有分割槽表的資訊 user part tables 顯示表分割槽資訊 顯示資料庫所有分割槽表的詳細分割槽資訊 dba tab partitions 顯...


select table name from dba tab columns where column name 欄位名 注意 欄位名需要大寫,否則你查不出來 select column name from user tab columns where table name table1 table...