
2021-08-25 23:48:52 字數 1096 閱讀 8534

create table test (

id int ,

pid int ,

name varchar(10))

insert into test values ( 1, 0 ,'n1' );

insert into test values ( 2, 1 ,'n12' );

insert into test values ( 3, 1 ,'n13' );

insert into test values ( 4, 2 ,'n21' );

insert into test values ( 5, 2 ,'n22' );

insert into test values ( 6, 3 ,'n31' );

insert into test values ( 7, 3 ,'n32' );

insert into test values ( 8, 4 ,'n211' );

insert into test values ( 9, 4 ,'n212' );


// prior 關鍵字 與誰放在一起,就是找誰

select * from test

start with id=7

connect by id = prior pid;

// 從根結點開始找子節點

select * from test

start with id=2

connect by prior id = pid;


// level 是oracle 保留的級數字段

select id,name ,level from test

where level <=2

start with id =2

connect by prior id = pid;

-- 查出 7839 總裁下面各級 員工的工資和

select level , sum(sal)

from emp

group by level

start with empno = 7839

connect by prior empno = mgr


基本語法 select.from tabename start with cond1 connect by prior cond2 where cond2 注 cond1是根節點的限定語句 cond2是連線條件,其中prior表示上一條記錄,指該記錄的父親是上一條記錄 cond3是過濾條件 構造環境...

oracle 樹形查詢

1.1 簡單的樹形查詢 select empno as 員工編碼,ename as 姓名,mgr as 主管,prior ename as 主管姓名 1.2 根節點,分支節點,葉節點 level 返回所在的等級 connect by isleaf 如果當前節點下沒有其他節點返回1,其他返回0。sel...


在oracle資料庫查詢中,我們經常會遇到對樹型結構表的查詢,這是個麻煩的問題。下面給大家介紹一種sql語句,實現遞迴查詢。語法如下 select 欄位1,欄位2,欄位3,from 表名 start with 條件1 connect by prior 條件2 where 條件3 下面舉乙個例子,有這...