
2021-08-26 05:22:52 字數 2651 閱讀 5375


wget 「 –no-check-certificate

1.2 pip安裝

tar -xzvf pip-1.5.4.tar.gz

cd pip-1.5.4

python setup.py install

2. pip使用詳解

2.1 pip安裝包

pip install somepackage


successfully installed somepackage

2.2 pip檢視已安裝的包

pip show –files somepackage

name: somepackage

version: 1.0

location: /my/env/lib/pythonx.x/site-packages




2.3 pip檢查哪些包需要更新

pip list –outdated

somepackage (current: 1.0 latest: 2.0)

2.4 pip公升級包

pip install –upgrade somepackage


found existing installation: somepackage 1.0

uninstalling somepackage:

successfully uninstalled somepackage

running setup.py install for somepackage

successfully installed somepackage

2.5 pip解除安裝包

pip uninstall somepackage

uninstalling somepackage:


proceed (y/n)? y

successfully uninstalled somepackage

3. pip使用例項

3.1 安裝redis

pip install redis

3.2 解除安裝redis

pip uninstall redis

uninstalling redis:



proceed (y/n)? y

successfully uninstalled redis

3.3 檢視待更新包

pip list –outdate

pygpgme (current: 0.1 latest: 0.3)

pycurl (current: 7.19.0 latest:

iniparse (current: 0.3.1 latest: 0.4)

4. 常見錯誤

4.1 importerror no module named setuptools

請參考《importerror no module named setuptools解決》

5. pip引數解釋

pip –help


pip [options]


install 安裝包.

uninstall 解除安裝包.

freeze 按著一定格式輸出已安裝包列表

list 列出已安裝包.

show 顯示包詳細資訊.

search 搜尋包,類似yum裡的search.

wheel build wheels from your requirements.

zip 不推薦. zip individual packages.

unzip 不推薦. unzip individual packages.

bundle 不推薦. create pybundles.

help 當前幫助.

general options:

-h, –help 顯示幫助.

-v, –verbose 更多的輸出,最多可以使用3次

-v, –version 現實版本資訊然後退出.

-q, –quiet 最少的輸出.

–log-file 覆蓋的方式記錄verbose錯誤日誌,預設檔案:/root/.pip/pip.log

–log 不覆蓋記錄verbose輸出的日誌.

–proxy specify a proxy in the form [user:passwd@]proxy.server:port.

–timeout 連線超時時間 (預設15秒).

–exists-action default action when a path already exists: (s)witch, (i)gnore, (w)ipe, (b)ackup.

–cert 證書.

6. 結束


pip 安裝使用詳解

pip類似redhat裡面的yum,安裝python包非常方便。本節詳細介紹pip的安裝 以及使用方法。wget no check certificate 1.2 pip安裝 tar xzvf pip 1.5.4.tar.gz cd pip 1.5.4 python setup.py install...


pip類似centos裡面的yum,安裝python包非常方便。本節詳細介紹pip的安裝 以及使用方法。windows安裝 windows版本在2.7.9及以上版本才提供的有pip的安裝,安裝python的時候缺省會安裝pip,但是需要選中add python.ext to path,這個安裝成功後...


pip類似redhat裡面的yum,安裝python包非常方便。本節詳細介紹pip的安裝 以及使用方法。wget no check certificate wget no check certificate 1.2 pip安裝 tar xzvf pip 1.5.4.tar.gz cd pip 1.5...