
2021-08-26 16:25:10 字數 3521 閱讀 7953



/// base message class used for emails


public class message


#region properties


/// whom the message is to


public virtual string to


/// the subject of the email


public virtual string subject


/// whom the message is from


public virtual string from


/// body of the text


public virtual string body





/// utility for sending an email


public class emailsender : message


#region public functions


/// sends an email


/// the body of the message

public void sendmail(string message)


/// sends a piece of mail asynchronous


/// message to be sent

public void sendmailasync(string message));}


/// sends an email


public void sendmail()

;string addresscollection = to.split(splitter);

for (int x = 0; x < addresscollection.length; ++x)

if (!string.isnullorempty(cc))

}if (!string.isnullorempty(bcc))

}message.subject = subject;

message.from = new system.net.mail.mailaddress((from));

alternateview bodyview = alternateview.createalternateviewfromstring(body, null, mediatypenames.text.html);

foreach (linkedresource resource in embeddedresources)


= body;

message.priority = priority;

message.subjectencoding = system.text.encoding.getencoding("iso-8859-1");

message.bodyencoding = system.text.encoding.getencoding("iso-8859-1");

message.isbodyhtml = true;

foreach (attachment tempattachment in attachments)

system.net.mail.smtpclient smtp = new system.net.mail.smtpclient(server, port);

if (!string.isnullorempty(username) && !string.isnullorempty(password))

if (usessl)

smtp.enablessl = true;


smtp.enablessl = false;



/// sends a piece of mail asynchronous


public void sendmailasync());}


#region properties


/// any attachments that are included with this

/// message.


public listattachments


/// any attachment (usually images) that need to be embedded in the message


public listembeddedresources


/// the priority of this message


public mailpriority priority


/// server location


public string server


/// user name for the server


public string username


/// password for the server


public string password


/// port to send the information on


public int port


/// decides whether we are using starttls (ssl) or not


public bool usessl


/// carbon copy send (seperate email addresses with a comma)


public string cc


/// blind carbon copy send (seperate email addresses with a comma)


public string bcc



C ,乙個郵件傳送的類

以下為郵件傳送使用 tp協議,在使用過程中曾經遇到郵件不能傳送的問題,如果你也遇到了,可以檢查一下windows的防火牆,windows自帶的防火牆如有啟用,可加入例外埠 25。如有安裝金山病毒防火牆,也需要將25埠的過濾禁用。郵件實體類 using system using system.coll...

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using system using system.web using system.web.mail using dottext.framework using dottext.framework.configuration namespace yournamespace.email region...

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