sql server 獲取本機的ip位址

2021-08-26 19:33:01 字數 954 閱讀 5905

--sql server 獲取本機的ip位址

-- 其實就是使用xp_cmdshell 來獲取資訊,然後對資訊進行篩選。

--開啟xp_cmdshell exec sp_configure 'show advanced options', 1 reconfigure with override exec sp_configure 'xp_cmdshell', 1 reconfigure with override exec sp_configure 'show advanced options', 0 reconfigure with override go begin declare @ipline varchar(200) declare @pos int declare @ip varchar(40) set nocount on set @ip = null if object_id('tempdb..#temp') is not null drop table #temp create table #temp (ipline varchar(200)) insert #temp exec master..xp_cmdshell 'ipconfig' select @ipline = ipline from #temp where upper (ipline) like '%ipv4 位址%'--這裡需要注意一下,系統不同這裡的匹配值就不同 if @ipline is not null begin set @pos = charindex (':',@ipline,1); set @ip = rtrim(ltrim(substring (@ipline , @pos + 1 , len (@ipline) - @pos))) end select distinct(rtrim(ltrim(substring (@ipline , @pos + 1 , len (@ipline) - @pos)))) as ipaddress from #temp drop table #temp set nocount off end go


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