oracle 查詢N秒之前的資料

2021-08-26 21:47:21 字數 716 閱讀 9271

select* from txt001_menu 

as of timestamp (systimestamp - interval '300'


wheremenuid = '060201' --查詢txt001_menu表中300分鐘之前的資料

>>>>select * from txt001_menu as of timestamp (systimestamp - interval'600' second) where menuid = '060201' --查詢txt001_menu表中600秒之前的資料

>>>>select * from txt001_menu as of timestamp (systimestamp - interval '3'hour)

wheremenuid = '060201' --查詢txt001_menu表中3小時之前的資料

>>>>select * from txt001_menu as of timestamp (systimestamp - interval '1'day)

wheremenuid = '060201' --查詢txt001_menu表中1天之前的資料


timestamp(ags) 方法


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