VB 斷開指定程序網路連線函式

2021-08-27 04:38:02 字數 4852 閱讀 1318

vb 斷開指定程序網路連線函式,通過指定程序名字,斷開該程序的網路連線。 

private const process_query_information = 1024

private const process_vm_read = 16

private const max_path = 256

private const af_inet6 = 23

private const af_inet = 2

public enum tcp_table_class










end enum

private type mib_tcprow_owner_pid

dwstate as long

dwlocaladdr as long

dwlocalport as long

dwremoteaddr as long

dwremoteport as long

dwowningpid as long

end type

public declare function closehandle lib "kernel32.dll" (byval handle as long) as long

public declare function openprocess lib "kernel32.dll" (byval dwdesiredaccessas as long, byval binherithandle as long, byval dwprocid as long) as long

public declare function getmodulefilenameexa lib "psapi.dll" (byval hprocess as long, byval hmodule as long, byval modulename as string, byval nsize as long) as long

public declare function enumprocessmodules lib "psapi.dll" (byval hprocess as long, byref lphmodule as long, byval cb as long, byref cbneeded as long) as long

private declare function htons lib "ws2_32.dll" (byval dwlong as long) as long

public declare function getextendedtcptable lib "iphlpapi.dll" (ptcptableex as any, lsize as long, byval border as long, byval flags as long, byval tableclass as tcp_table_class, byval breserved as long) as long

public declare sub copymemory lib "kernel32" alias "rtlmovememory" (destination as any, source as any, byval length as long)

public declare function settcpentry lib "iphlpapi.dll" (byref ptcptable as mib_tcprow_owner_pid) as long

private 程序表指標() as byte

public r行 as long

private 資料參考 as long

public function 重新整理() as boolean

dim 指標大小 as long, 參考 as long

指標大小 = 4

參考 = getextendedtcptable(0&, 指標大小, 1, af_inet, tcp_table_owner_pid_all, 0)

redim 程序表指標(指標大小 - 1)

參考 = getextendedtcptable(程序表指標(0), 指標大小, 1, af_inet, tcp_table_owner_pid_all, 0)

if 參考 = 0 then

copymemory r行, 程序表指標(0), 4


重新整理 = false

exit function

end if

if r行 = 0 or 程序表指標(0) then

重新整理 = false

exit function

end if

end function

public function 切斷程式網路鏈結(程序名 as string)

on error resume next

dim i as long

dim tcp表 as mib_tcprow_owner_pid

資料參考 = 0

dim 程序名稱 as string

for i = 0 to r行

程序名稱 = ""

copymemory tcp表, 程序表指標(0 + 資料參考 + 4), lenb(tcp表)

if tcp表.dwremoteaddr <> 0 or 取埠號(tcp表.dwremoteport) <> 0 or 取埠號(tcp表.dwlocalport) <> 0 then

' debug.print "狀態:"; c_state(tcp表.dwstate); ",";

' debug.print "本地ip:"; 獲取ip位址(tcp表.dwlocaladdr); ",";

' debug.print "本地port:"; 取埠號(tcp表.dwlocalport); ",";

' debug.print "遠端ip:"; tcp表.dwremoteaddr; ",";

' debug.print "遠端port:"; 取埠號(tcp表.dwremoteport); ",";

' debug.print "程序id:"; tcp表.dwowningpid; ",";

' debug.print "程序名:"; 獲取程序路徑(tcp表.dwowningpid)

程序名稱 = 獲取ip位址(tcp表.dwremoteaddr) & 獲取程序路徑(tcp表.dwowningpid)

if instr(lcase$(程序名稱), lcase$(程序名)) > 0 then

tcp表.dwstate = 12

settcpentry tcp表

end if

end if

資料參考 = 資料參考 + lenb(tcp表)


next i

end function

public function 取埠號(byval dwport as long) as long

取埠號 = htons(dwport)

end function

public function 獲取ip位址(dwaddr as long) as string

dim ip資料(3) as byte

copymemory ip資料(0), dwaddr, 4

獲取ip位址 = cstr(ip資料(0)) & "." & cstr(ip資料(1)) & "." & cstr(ip資料(2)) & "." & cstr(ip資料(3))

end function

public function 獲取程序路徑(pid as long) as string

dim cbneeded as long

dim modules(1 to 200) as long

dim nsize as long

dim lret as long

dim modulename as string

dim hprocess as long

if pid = 0 then 獲取程序路徑 = "": exit function

if pid = 4 then 獲取程序路徑 = "": exit function

hprocess = openprocess(process_query_information or process_vm_read, 0, pid)

if hprocess <> 0 then

lret = enumprocessmodules(hprocess, modules(1), 200, cbneeded)

if lret <> 0 then

modulename = space$(max_path)

nsize = max_path

lret = getmodulefilenameexa(hprocess, modules(1), modulename, nsize)

if cbool(instr(1, (left$(modulename, lret)), "", vbtextcompare)) then

獲取程序路徑 = left$(modulename, lret)

end if

end if

end if

lret = closehandle(hprocess)

end function


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