
2021-08-27 12:22:32 字數 1307 閱讀 2800

select t.*, t.rowid from ts_orders t;

select * from ts_cust;

-- 查詢 type=0 ,1 的訂單數


count (o.oid) as 總訂單數 ,

count (o1.oid) as type1_訂單總數 ,

count (o2.oid) as type0_訂單總數

from ts_orders o

left join ts_orders o1 on o1.oid =o.oid and o1.type = 1

left join ts_orders o2 on o2.oid =o.oid and o2.type = 0

where 1=1

-- 統計 下單人數 (乙個人有可能下多個訂單,但也只算1個)


count ( distinct o.cid) as 總下單人數 ,

count ( distinct o1.cid) as type1_下單人數 ,

count ( distinct o2.cid) as type0_下單人數

from ts_orders o

left join ts_orders o1 on o1.oid =o.oid and o1.type = 1

left join ts_orders o2 on o2.oid =o.oid and o2.type = 0

where 1=1

;-- 統計每個使用者不同型別的訂單數量


--c.cid as 客戶編號,

c.name as 客戶名稱,

count(o.oid) as 訂單總數 ,

count(o1.oid) as type1_訂單總數,

count(o2.oid) as type0_訂單總數

from  ts_cust c

left join ts_orders o on c.cid =o.cid

left join ts_orders o1 on c.cid =o1.cid and o.oid =o1.oid and o1.type =1

left join ts_orders o2 on c.cid =o2.cid and o.oid =o2.oid and o2.type =0

where 1=1

group by c.name

order by 訂單總數 desc


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