window10環境下 qt和opencv的安裝

2021-08-27 16:10:12 字數 1152 閱讀 2276

安裝總體參考是qt的乙個官方文件"how to setup qt and opencv on windows",



因為我裝了乙個opencv_contrib,是opencv的乙個extra module。



go to /modules/datasets

open cmakelists.txt

make all lines of that makeup file as comments. (# --> this is the key, ****** each line as a comment..)

paste lines below

set (the_description "datasets framework")

ocv_define_module (datasets opencv_core opencv_imgcodecs opencv_ml opencv_flann optional opencv_text wrap python )

ocv_warnings_disable (cmake_cxx_flags / wd4267) # flann, win64

follow the instruction of /

直接把這一段bitops.hpp修改如下,即把# define popcnt __builtin_popcount挪到#endif後面去了

#ifdef _win32&& !defined __mingw32__

# include

# define popcnt __popcnt

# pragma warning( disable : 4267 )



# define popcnt __builtin_popcount

在cmake的時候去掉修改cmake -dwith_ipp=off,然後重新configure, generate,再編譯

5.'cv::detectionbasedtracker' has not been declared

在cmake的時候去掉修改cmake build_opencv_python2,不選,然後重新configure, generate,再編譯


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