安裝hbase2 1 0版本

2021-08-27 16:19:46 字數 1524 閱讀 9173



2.  cd到 hbase-2.1.0/conf 目錄下,vi修改hbase-site.xml



主機名the directory shared by regionservers.


property from zookeeper config zoo.cfg.

the directory where the snapshot is stored.




the directory shared by regionservers.




the mode the cluster will be in. possible values are

false: standalone and pseudo-distributed setups with managed zookeeper

true: fully-distributed with unmanaged zookeeper quorum (see hbase-env.sh)


3. 配置regionservers, vi編輯regionservers,修改為主機名,多個以 , 隔開;

4. 啟動hadoop, 首先啟動hdfs ==>  $ start-dfs.sh; 再啟動yarn ==> start-yarn.sh;

5. 啟動hbase, cd 到hbase-2.1.0目錄下, bin/start-hbase.sh;

6. 檢查是否啟動hmaster, regionservers, zookeeper成功;


[hadoop@hadoop000 hbase-2.1.0]$ jps

1539 namenode

2003 resourcemanager

2115 nodemanager

2947 jps

1846 secondarynamenode

2631 hquorumpeer => zk

2727 hmaster => hmaster

2859 hregionserver => regionserver

1644 datanode

7. hbase啟動後,預設占用 16010 埠,通過 主機名:16010,檢視hbase詳細;

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