xr871 開始編譯環境

2021-08-27 23:41:34 字數 629 閱讀 8476

aaron-ye edited this page on feb 28 · 5 revisions

run "gcc-arm-none-eabi-4_9-2015q2-20150609-win32.exe" to install the compiler


modify the 03_sdk/xr871sdk/gcc.mk and set the variable cc_dir to config the toolchain path


cc_dir := ~/tools/gcc-arm-none-eabi-4_9-2015q2/bin
decompress the package


modify the 03_sdk/xr871sdk/gcc.mk and set the variable cc_dir to config the toolchain path


cc_dir := ~/tools/gcc-arm-none-eabi-4_9-2015q2/bin

xr871 開始編譯環境

aaron ye edited this page on feb 28 5 revisions 解壓gcc arm none eabi 4 9 2015q2 20150609 win32.zip c cygwin64 home administrator 目錄下新建tools資料夾,如下圖所示 在這...

HTML基礎 ol start 從第幾個開始編號

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