
2021-08-28 10:01:23 字數 4289 閱讀 3206


* byte hex utility class

**/public class bytehexutils

return bf.array();


* @param bytes

**/public static string bytes2hex(byte bytes)

return result;



* base64 utility class

**/import sun.misc.base64decoder;

import sun.misc.base64encoder;

public class base64utils

/*** base64 to byte

**/public static byte decode(string base64) throws ioexception

public static void main(string args) throws ioexception



* digest utility class with md5 and sha-1

**/public static class digestsutils

/*** sha-1; encrypt without iterations

** @param bytes encrypt byte array

* @param salt encrypt salt

**/public static byte sha1(byte bytes, byte salt)

/*** sha-1;

** @param bytes encrypt byte array

* @param salt encrypt salt

* @param iterations encrypt iterations

**/public static byte sha1(byte bytes, byte salt, int iterations)

/*** md5

**/public static byte md5(byte bytes)

/*** md5

**/public static byte md5(byte bytes, byte salt)

/*** md5

**/public static byte md5(byte bytes, byte salt, int iterations)

/*** 對salt生成的位元組是平台預設編碼

** @see charset#defaultcharset()

**/public static byte generatesalt()

/*** digest encode md5

** @param newstr new str

* @param oldmd5 old md5 bytes

* @param salt md5 salt

* @param iterations md5 digest iterations

* @see arrays

**/public static boolean decodemd5(byte newstr, byte oldmd5, byte salt, int iterations)

/*** digest encode sha-1

** @param newstr new str

* @param oldsha1 old sha-1 bytes

* @param salt sha-1 salt

* @param iterations sha-1 digest iterations

* @see arrays

**/public static boolean decodesha1(byte newstr, byte oldsha1, byte salt, int iterations)

/*** digest encode

** @param newstr new str

* @param olddigest old digest bytes

* @param salt md5 salt

* @param iterations md5 digest iterations

* @see arrays

**/private static boolean decode(string algorithm, byte newstr, byte olddigest, byte salt, int iterations) ", bytehexutils.bytes2hex(newdigest));

if (arrays.equals(newdigest, olddigest)) else

} else ", bytehexutils.bytes2hex(newdigest));

if (arrays.equals(newdigest, olddigest)) else }}

/*** digest with salt and iterations

**/private static byte digest(byte bytes, string algorithm, byte salt, int iterations)

byte result = e.digest(bytes);

for (int i = 1; i < iterations; ++i)

return result;

} catch (generalsecurityexception e)

return null;

}public static void main(string args) else

byte sha1 = digestsutils.sha1(teststring.getbytes());


if (digestsutils.decodesha1("123456".getbytes(), sha1, null, 1)) else



``` /**

* rsa utility class

**/public static class rsautils ,並生成,

* 得到,便可以通過getpublic和getprivate分別獲取

* 公鑰和私鑰.為了方便儲存,將其使用base64編碼轉換為string型別的列印字元

**/public static keypair getkeypair() throws exception

/*** get public key

** @see base64utils#encode(byte)

**/public static string getpublickeystr(keypair keypair)

/*** get primary key

** @see base64utils#encode(byte)

**/public static string getprivatekeystr(keypair keypair)

/*** 將string型別的金鑰轉換為publickey和privatekey物件

**/public static publickey string2publickey(string publickeystr) throws exception

/*** 將string型別的金鑰轉換為

**/public static privatekey string2privatekey(string privatekeystr) throws exception

/*** 使用公鑰加密

**/public static byte publicencrypt(byte content, publickey publickey) throws exception

/*** 使用私鑰解密

**/public static byte privatedecrypt(byte content, privatekey privatekey) throws exception

public static void main(string args) throws exception



public class desc public static string decode string data catch descryptoserviceprovider cryptoprovider new descryptoserviceprovider memorystream ms n...


公鑰密碼體制的核心思想是 加密和解密採用不同的金鑰。這是公鑰密碼體制和傳統對稱密碼體制的最大區別。對於傳統對稱密碼而言,密文的安全性完全依賴於金鑰的保密性,一旦金鑰洩露,將毫無保密性可言。但是公鑰密碼體制徹底改變了這樣狀況,在公鑰密碼體制中,公鑰是公開的,只有私鑰是保密的,知道公鑰和密碼演算法要推測...


目錄介紹 2.對稱加密和非對稱加密 3.關於單向加密 4.加密和解密 展示 5.rsa非對稱加解密 1.1 問答環節 1.2 加解密概況2.1 什麼是對稱加密 2.2 什麼是非對稱加密 2.3 常見對稱加密有什麼 2.4 常見非對稱加密有什麼 2.5 非對稱加密用途 陌生人通訊 支付寶支付加密 4....