
2021-08-29 13:22:22 字數 3288 閱讀 7365

這裡說的datawindow是指dataobject的那個,而不是datawindow control

datawindow可以有幾個引數,但是pb並沒有提供專門的函式去取得這些引數,dw syntax也沒有指出用那些關係可以去除這些引數資訊。但是這些資訊還是可以直接取得






// 定義乙個custom user object去記錄引數資訊




global type nvo_dw_args from nonvisualobject

end type

end forward

global type nvo_dw_args from nonvisualobject autoinstantiate

end type

type variables

string argname

string argtype

end variables

on nvo_dw_args.create

call super::create

triggerevent( this, "constructor" )

end on

on nvo_dw_args.destroy

triggerevent( this, "destructor" )

call super::destroy

end on

event constructor;/**

* this object use to store the argument info of datawindow

* argname store argument's name

* argtype store argument's data type

*/end event

// 讀取和分析引數並返回引數資訊




global type n_cst_dw_util2 from nonvisualobject

end type

end forward

global type n_cst_dw_util2 from nonvisualobject

end type

global n_cst_dw_util2 n_cst_dw_util2

type variables

datawindow idw

end variables

forward prototypes

public function integer of_getarguments (ref nvo_dw_args args)

end prototypes

public function integer of_getarguments (ref nvo_dw_args args);/**

* get the registe datawindow arguments.

* the arguments will be store into nvo_dw_args array args

* @param ref args- nvo_dw_args

* @return integer

* - return the arguments count if successful

* - return 0 if no arguments

* - return -1 if invalid idw or error

* @author ben

* @history

* 1. created 21-apr-2008 ben

*/string ls_argstr

string ls_tmparg

integer li_pos, li_postab, li_index

if not isvalid(idw) then return -1

ls_argstr = idw.object.datawindow.table.arguments

if isnull(ls_argstr) or ls_argstr = "" then return 0

do li_pos = pos(ls_argstr, '~n')

if li_pos > 0 then

ls_tmparg = left(ls_argstr, li_pos - 1)

ls_argstr = right(ls_argstr, len(ls_argstr) - li_pos)


ls_tmparg = ls_argstr

end if

if not isnull(ls_tmparg) and ls_tmparg <> "" then

li_postab = pos(ls_tmparg, '~t')

if li_postab > 0 then

li_index = upperbound(args) + 1

args[li_index].argname = left(ls_tmparg, li_postab - 1)

args[li_index].argtype = right(ls_tmparg, len(ls_tmparg) - li_postab)

end if

end if

loop while li_pos > 0

return 1

end function

on n_cst_dw_util2.create

call super::create

triggerevent( this, "constructor" )

end on

on n_cst_dw_util2.destroy

triggerevent( this, "destructor" )

call super::destroy

end on


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