
2021-08-29 23:17:57 字數 4613 閱讀 2920




volume  tstamp
29011   2012-12-28 09:00:00
28701   2012-12-28 10:00:00
28830   2012-12-28 11:00:00
28353   2012-12-28 12:00:00
28642   2012-12-28 13:00:00
28583   2012-12-28 14:00:00
28800   2012-12-29 09:00:00
28751   2012-12-29 10:00:00
28670   2012-12-29 11:00:00
28621   2012-12-29 12:00:00
28599   2012-12-29 13:00:00
28278   2012-12-29 14:00:00

first  last   difference  date
29011  28583  428         2012-12-28
28800  28278  522         2012-12-29
請注意,值和時間戳級數可能不相關。所以,沒有一條規定如果timestamp2 > timestamp1然後value2 < value1。否則,這個簡單的查詢就能工作(使用postgresql語法):

max(volume)               as first,
min(volume)               as last,
max(volume) - min(volume) as difference,
cast(tstamp as date)      as date
from t
group by cast(tstamp as date);



select distinct
first_value(volume) over (
partition by cast(tstamp as date)
order by tstamp
rows between unbounded preceding and unbounded following
) as first,
last_value(volume) over (
partition by cast(tstamp as date)
order by tstamp
rows between unbounded preceding and unbounded following
) as last,
first_value(volume) over (
partition by cast(tstamp as date)
order by tstamp
rows between unbounded preceding and unbounded following
- last_value(volume) over (
partition by cast(tstamp as date)
order by tstamp
rows between unbounded preceding and unbounded following
) as diff,
cast(tstamp as date) as date
from t
order by cast(tstamp as date)


partition by cast(tstamp as date)
order by tstamp
rows between unbounded preceding and unbounded following


select distinct
first_value(volume) over w as first,
last_value(volume) over w as last,
first_value(volume) over w
- last_value(volume) over w as diff,
cast(tstamp as date) as date
from t
window w as (
partition by cast(tstamp as date)
order by tstamp
rows between unbounded preceding and unbounded following
order by cast(tstamp as date)

as ()

select distinct
first_value(volume) over w3 as first,
last_value(volume) over w3 as last,
first_value(volume) over w3
- last_value(volume) over w3 as diff,
cast(tstamp as date) as date
from t
w1 as (partition by cast(tstamp as date)),
w2 as (w1 order by tstamp),
w3 as (w2 rows between unbounded preceding
and unbounded following)
order by cast(tstamp as date)
每個視窗規範可以從頭建立,也可以基於先前定義的視窗規範。注在引用視窗定義時也是如此。如果我想重用partition by條款和order by子句,但請更改frame條款(rows ...),那麼我就可以這樣寫了:

select distinct
first_value(volume) over (
w2 rows between unbounded preceding and current row
) as first,
last_value(volume) over (
w2 rows between current row and unbounded following
) as last,
first_value(volume) over (
w2 rows unbounded preceding
) - last_value(volume) over (
w2 rows between 1 preceding and unbounded following
) as diff,
cast(tstamp as date) as date
from t
w1 as (partition by cast(tstamp as date)),
w2 as (w1 order by tstamp)
order by cast(tstamp as date)

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