
2021-08-30 01:58:11 字數 1332 閱讀 7803


public   static   list   getalltablename(connection   cnn)   throws   sqlexception;  

resultset tabs = dbmetadata.gettables(null, null, null,types/*只要表就好了*/);


table_cat string => table catalog (may be null)

table_schem string => table schema (may be null)

table_name string => table name

table_type string => table type.

remarks string => explanatory comment on the table

type_cat string => the types catalog (may be null)

type_schem string => the types schema (may be null)

type_name string => type name (may be null)

self_referencing_col_name string => name of the designated "identifier" column of a typed table (may be null)

ref_generation string => specifies how values in self_referencing_col_name are created. values are "system", "user", "derived". (may be null)




return tables;


PostgresSql 資料庫獲取所有表的索引資訊

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