約束的操作 增加 刪除 禁止 啟用

2021-08-30 17:18:30 字數 2073 閱讀 1904


alter table tb add constraint fk_tb_ta foreign key ( aid ) references ta ( id )

如果增加時不想對已有資料強制新的約束,可以在表名後加 with nocheck

alter table tb with nocheck add constraint fk_tb_ta foreign key ( aid ) references ta ( id )


alter table tb drop constraint fk_tb_ta


alter table tbnocheck constraint fk_tb_ta


alter table tbcheck constraint fk_tb_ta

如果啟用時想對已有資料檢測是否符合約束,可以在表名後加 with check

alter table tb with checkcheck constraint fk_tb_ta

if object_id('tablec') is not null drop table tablec

goif object_id('tableb') is not null drop table tableb

goif object_id('tablea') is not null drop table tablea

gocreate table tablea (aid varchar(10) primary key,aname varchar(20))

insert tablea select 'a1','公司1'

gocreate table tableb (bid varchar(10) primary key,bname varchar(20),aid varchar(10) references tablea(aid) )

insert tableb

select 'b1','部門1','a1' union all

select 'b2','部門2','a1'

gocreate table tablec (cid varchar(10) primary key,cname varchar(20),bid varchar(10) references tableb(bid))

insert tablec

select 'c1','人員1','b1' union all

select 'c2','人員2','b1' union all

select 'c3','人員3','b2' union all

select 'c4','人員4','b2'

godelete tableb where bid='b1'


訊息 547,級別 16,狀態 0,第 1 行

delete 語句與 reference 約束"fk__tablec__bid__13f2c142"衝突。該衝突發生於資料庫"master",表"dbo.tablec", column 'bid'。


*/alter table tablec nocheck constraint all

--alter table tablec nocheck constraint constname


delete tableb where bid='b1'

select * from tableb

select * from tablec

/*bid bname aid

---------- -------------------- ----------

b2 部門2 a1

(1 行受影響)

cid cname bid

---------- -------------------- ----------

c1 人員1 b1

c2 人員2 b1

c3 人員3 b2

c4 人員4 b2

(4 行受影響)

*/alter table tablec check constraint fk__tablec__bid__13f2c142


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