SQLITE原始碼剖析 11

2021-08-30 20:20:36 字數 1353 閱讀 2395

**應用程式必須在關閉sqlite3物件前,[sqlite3_finalize | finalize]

**所有的與該物件相關的[prepared statements],必須[sqlite3_blob_close | **close]所有的與該物件相關的

**[blob handles] (blob大二進位制控制代碼)

** and [sqlite3_blob_close | close] all [blob handles] associated with

** the [sqlite3] object prior to attempting to close the object.  ^if

** sqlite3_close() is called on a [database connection] that still has

** outstanding [prepared statements] or [blob handles], then it returns

** sqlite_busy.

**如果sqlite3_close()在[database connection]資料庫連線被呼叫,該數

**據庫連線中仍有顯式的[prepared statements][blob handles],則返回


** ^if [sqlite3_close()] is invoked while a transaction is open,

** the transaction is automatically rolled back.



** the c parameter to [sqlite3_close(c)] must be either a null

** pointer or an [sqlite3] object pointer obtained

** from [sqlite3_open()], [sqlite3_open16()], or

** [sqlite3_open_v2()], and not previously closed.

** ^calling sqlite3_close() with a null pointer argument is a 

** harmless no-op.

sqlite_api int sqlite3_close(sqlite3 *);

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