
2021-08-30 20:57:31 字數 2809 閱讀 1441

create or replace package welldailycross is

type ref_cursor is ref cursor; --建立帶返回的游標

procedure prowelldailycross(starttime in varchar2,endtime in varchar2, orgid in varchar2,my_ref_cursor out ref_cursor);

end welldailycross;

create or replace package body welldailycross is

procedure prowelldailycross(starttime in varchar2,endtime in varchar2,orgid in varchar2,my_ref_cursor out ref_cursor) is



*** number;

sqlstr1 varchar2(1000);--建立臨時表

sqlstr2 varchar2(1000);--插入資料

sqlstr3 varchar2(1000);--查詢臨時表

usertotal varchar2(20); --使用者得到和所有

datenow varchar2(20); ---時間

org_id varchar2(10);--機構編號

orgname varchar2(20);--機構名稱

cursor alldate is

select rownum,(to_date(starttime,'yyyy-mm-dd')+rownum-1) times

from dual connect by rownum<= to_date(endtime,'yyyy-mm-dd')-to_date(starttime,'yyyy-mm-dd') +1;--查詢開始時間和結束時間這間所有時間

curdate alldate%rowtype;


select count(*) into *** from user_tables where table_name = 'temp_tab2';

sqlstr1 := 'create global temporary table temp_tab2(

usertotal varchar2(20),

datenow varchar2(20),

org_id varchar2(10),

orgname varchar2(20)

)on commit delete rows';

if *** = 0 then

execute immediate 'grant create table to omsdata';

execute immediate sqlstr1;

end if;

open alldate;



fetch alldate into curdate;

exit when alldate%notfound;

select nvl(sum(x.oiltotal+y.otherstotal),0) as total,

x.nowtime as nowdate into usertotal,datenow



nvl(sum(toi.scyyl1+toi.scyyl2),0) as oiltotal ,

to_char(curdate.times,'yyyy-mm-dd') as nowtime


tab_oil_info toi

where toi.org_id=orgid and toi.acq_date=to_char(curdate.times,'yyyy-mm-dd'))x,


nvl(sum(tsu.tsyyl),0) as otherstotal


tab_spec_use tsu

where tsu.org_id=orgid

and tsu.acq_date =to_char(curdate.times,'yyyy-mm-dd'))y group by x.oiltotal,x.nowtime;

select toi.org_name into orgname from tab_org_info toi where toi.org_id=orgid;

sqlstr2 := 'insert into temp_tab2 values('''||usertotal||''','''||datenow||''','''||orgid||''','''||orgname||''')';

execute immediate sqlstr2;


end loop;

sqlstr3 := 'select * from temp_tab2';

open my_ref_cursor for sqlstr3;



-- fetch my_ref_cursor into usertotal,datenow,org_id;

-- exit when my_ref_cursor%notfound;

-- dbms_output.put_line('日期'||datenow||'每天總收油量:'||usertotal||'每天用油總量'||org_id);

-- end;

-- end loop;


end prowelldailycross;

end welldailycross;


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