Hive 8 資料匯入hive的多種方式

2021-08-31 04:08:04 字數 2590 閱讀 9251

load data local inpath 『filepath' [overwrite] into table tablename [partition (partcol1=val1,...)]



(3)分割槽表載入,特殊性  partition (partcol1=val1,...)


load data local inpath '/opt/datas/emp.txt' into table emp_part2 partition(`datetime`='20171209',hour='01');


[root@localhost data]# more data1.txt



[root@localhost data]# more data2.txt



hive> desc patition_table;

oksid int

sname string

gender string

# partition information

# col_name data_type comment

gender string

time taken: 0.328 seconds, fetched: 8 row(s)


hive> load data local inpath '/root/data/data1.txt' into table patition_table partition (gender='m');

copying data from file:/root/data/data1.txt

copying file: file:/root/data/data1.txt

loading data to table default.patition_table partition (gender=m)

partition default.patition_table stats: [numfiles=1, numrows=0, totalsize=17, rawdatasize=0]

oktime taken: 2.772 seconds

hive> load data local inpath '/root/data/data2.txt' into table patition_table partition (gender='f');

copying data from file:/root/data/data2.txt

copying file: file:/root/data/data2.txt

loading data to table default.patition_table partition (gender=f)

partition default.patition_table stats: [numfiles=1, numrows=0, totalsize=9, rawdatasize=0]

oktime taken: 1.615 seconds


load data  inpath 『filepath' [overwrite] into table tablename [partition (partcol1=val1,...)]
insert into table tablename select * from tablenamesource

create table emp_inner(

empno int,

ename string,

job string,

mgr int,

hiredate string,

sal double,

comm double,

deptno int

)row format delimited fields terminated by '\t'

location '/user/hive/warehouse/hadoop.db/emp';

特殊:如果分割槽表,要記得alter table emp_part add(增加)/drop(刪除) partition(`datetime`='20171209',hour='03').例如 

alter table emp_part2 add partition(`datetime`='20171209',hour='03');
create table track_log.result as

select `date`,hour,count(url) pv,count(distinct guid) uv from track_log.yhd_part group by `date`,hour;


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