
2021-08-31 04:26:05 字數 1825 閱讀 8715

增加列:alter table tablename add columnname number(10);

增加列並設定預設值: alter table tablename add columnname number(10) default 0;

刪除列:alter table tablename drop column columnname;

將某列數值置為null:alter table tablename modify columnname null;

修改列的型別:alter table tablename modify columnname number(12,3);

重新命名列名稱: alter table tablename rename column oldcolumn to newcolumn;

設定primary key :alter table tablename add constraint 主鍵名

primary key (columnname)

更改主鍵,並設定index,tablespace :

alter table tablename

add constraint 主鍵名 primary key (columnname1, columnname2)

using index

tablespace users

pctfree 10

initrans 2

maxtrans 255


(initial 64k

minextents 1

maxextents unlimited


create table table1

( name varchar(20) not null

); tablespace users

pctfree 10

initrans 1

maxtrans 255


(initial 64k

minextents 1

maxextents unlimited

); comment on column table1.name

is '名稱';


create sequence sequencename

minvalue 1

maxvalue 999999999999999999999999999

start with 241

increment by 1

cache 20;



prompt creating synonym tablename

prompt ***********************************====


create or replace synonym tablename for tablename@dblinkname

spool off

刪除表(含表結構):drop table tablename

刪除表資料:delete from tablename

更新列值: update tablename set columnname = columnvalue;


從模板表建立表:create table if not exists like old_table_name;

建立表:create table if not exists table_name

刪除表:drop table if exists table_name


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yii2 讀取db操作db命令

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