
2021-08-31 07:22:06 字數 1600 閱讀 4467


[core-sw]rsa local-key-pair create

the key name will be: core-sw_host

the range of public key size is (512 ~ 2048).

notes: if the key modulus is greater than 512,

it will take a few minutes.

input the bits in the modulus[default = 2048]:

generating keys...





2、檢查是否存在ssh user(可跳過),系統提示沒有ssh user 存在

[core-sw]dis ssh user-information

info: no ssh user exists.

3、建立ssh user

[core-sw]ssh user test \可以直接敲第二行命令

[core-sw]ssh user test authentication-type password \認證模式為密碼認證

[core-sw]ssh user test service-type stelnet \服務型別為stelnet,即ssh



[core-sw-aaa]local-user test password cipher ***(***處為你想要設定的密碼)

info: add a new user.

[core-sw-aaa]local-user test privilege level 3 \使用者level最高到15

[core-sw-aaa]local-user test service-type ssh \開啟該使用者允許使用ssh訪問裝置的許可權


[core-sw]stelnet server enable

info: succeeded in starting the stelnet server.


[core-sw]user-inte***ce vty 0 4

[core-sw-ui-vty0-4]authentication-mode aaa

[core-sw-ui-vty0-4]protocol inbound ssh


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