
2021-08-31 07:28:25 字數 3455 閱讀 2268


發信人: dreamfly (林夕非非), 信區: oversea標  題: 我們來統計乙個各大學中國學生會cssa的list吧發信站: 日月光華 (2023年03月02日00:28:24 星期三), 站內信件大家把自己學校的cssa的email位址和主席名字email列一下,統計乙個list交給flory,等他們寫好正式的求助信(表請求祝福,具體的要求要說清楚,王潔的具體病情說清楚),讓berkeley bcssa發給各大高校cssa,如何?請re本文。columbia university chinese students and scholars association (cucssa)homepage:  bbs:       contact:  [email protected]: shen, qi (charles)     [email protected] new york university chinese culture club (nyuccc)homepage:  bbs:      /bbs contact:  [email protected] (not preferred) rong fan president: ge ma (maggie) [email protected] of washington, cssahomepage:  president: grace jiang [email protected] university chinese students and scholars association (vucssa)homepage:  bbs:  contact: [email protected] list contact: [email protected]: fu, zheng (eric) [email protected] university cssahomepage:  bbs:  president: yu feng  [email protected]: [email protected] university chinese students and scholars association (iucssa)homepage:  bbs:  contact: [email protected]: wang, linvice president: li, ran mailto:[email protected] college of medicinebaylor chinese students and scholars association (bcssa)bbs:  president: ankang li stanford acsss ( :bbs: bbs.stanford.edupresident: li jiang ([email protected])vice president of activity: yan gu ([email protected])*gu is a fudan alumni in finance.univ. of indiana- bloomingtonhomepage:  contact: [email protected]: [email protected]: wang linvice president: li ran, e-mail: [email protected], [email protected] students and scholars association @ university of pittsburghweb page: www.pitt.edu/~sorc/csfapresident: wang xiaojing   email:[email protected] president: justin hsieh email: [email protected]: ning gao email: [email protected] boston university chinese students and scholars association (bucssa)homepage:  contact: [email protected] list contact: wang kebin     [email protected]: chen lina       [email protected](fudan alumni): liu qingnan         [email protected] university chinese students scholar association(pucssa)homepage:  contact: [email protected] student and scholar association at mayo (mcssa)homepage:  president: [email protected] of north carolina at chapel hillhomepage:  president: kun wang   [email protected] 919-923-1485chinese students and scholars association @ university of california, riverside (cssa_ucr)president: weiqiang qianemail: [email protected] friendship associationthe pennsylvania state universitywebsite:  president: li, changying [email protected] at univ of rochesterwww.cssaur.netbbs.cssaur.netpresident 魯志 [email protected] association of chinese students & scholarsuniversity of south carolina president long su general affair &coordination [email protected](803)447-4572university of floridafriendship association of chiness scholar and students president: long, fei [email protected]: www.uflbbs.comcornell cssapresident:劉趙平 zhaoping [email protected] auburn university xu chao [email protected] students and scholars society(csss) @ the ohio state univ.website:         forum:            --


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