
2021-08-31 18:13:46 字數 3487 閱讀 9689

pwd:print work directory 列印當前目錄 顯示出當前工作目錄的絕對路徑

ps: process status 程序狀態,類似於windows的任務管理器


ps -auxf 顯示程序狀態

df: disk free 其功能是顯示磁碟可用空間數目資訊及空間結點資訊。換句話說,就是報告在任何安裝的裝置或目錄中,還剩多少自由的空間。

du: disk usage

rpm:redhat package management  redhat的發明之一

rmdir:remove directory 刪除目錄 

rm:remove 刪除目錄或檔案

cat: concatenate 連鎖

cat file1file2>>file3 把檔案1和檔案2的內容聯合起來放到file3中

insmod: install module 載入模組

ln -s : link -soft 建立乙個軟鏈結,相當於建立乙個快捷方式

mkdir:make directory 建立目錄


man: manual

su:swith user 切換使用者

cd:change directory

ls:list files

ps:process status

mkdir:make directory

rmdir:remove directory

mkfs: make file system

fsck:file system check

uname: unix name

lsmod: list modules

mv: move file

rm: remove file

cp: copy file

ln: link files

fg: foreground

bg: background

chown: change owner

chgrp: change group

chmod: change mode

umount: unmount

tar:tape archive 磁帶檔案

ldd:list dynamic dependencies

insmod:install module

rmmod:remove module

lsmod:list module

檔案結尾的"rc"(如.bashrc、.xinitrc等):resource configuration

knn*** /snn***(位於rcx.d目錄下):k(kill);s(service);


.a(副檔名a):archive,static library

.so(副檔名so):shared object,dynamically linked library

.o(副檔名o):object file,complied result of c/c++ source file

rpm:red hat package manager

dpkg:debian package manager

apt:advanced package tool(debian或基於debian的發行版中提供部分linux命令縮寫)

bin = binaries (二進位制檔案)

/dev = devices (裝置)

/etc = etcetera (等等)

/lib = library

/proc = processes

/sbin = superuser binaries (超級使用者的二進位制檔案)

/tmp = temporary (臨時)

/usr = unix shared resources

/var = variable (變數)

fifo = first in, first out

grub = grand unified bootloader

ifs= internal field seperators

lilo = linux loader

mysql = my 是最初作者女兒的名字,

sql = structured querylanguage

php = personal home page tools = php hypertextpreprocessor

ps = prompt string

tcl = tool command language

tk = toolkit

vt = video terminal

yast = yet another setup tool

apache = "a patchy" server

apt = advanced packaging tool

ar = archiver

as = assembler

bash = bourne again shell

bc = basic (better) calculator

cal = calendar (日曆)

cat = catenate (鏈結)

chsh = change shell

cmp = compare

cobra = common object request brokerarchitecture

comm = common

cp = copy

cpio = copy in and out

cpp = c pre processor

cron = chronos 希臘文時間

cups = common unix printing system

cvs = current version system

daemon = disk and execution monitor

dc = desk calculator

dd = disk dump (磁碟轉儲)

df = disk free

diff = difference

dmesg = diagnostic message

du = disk usage

ed = editor

egrep = extended grep

elf = extensible linking format

elm = electronic mail

emacs = editor macros

eval = evaluate

ex = extended

exec = execute (執行)

fd = file descriptors

fg = foreground

fgrep = fixed grep

fmt = format

fsck = file system check

fstab = filesystem table


tab 補全cd 切換目錄 change directory 則是表示目前所在的目錄,則表示當前目錄位置的上一級目錄。chgrp命令 更改檔案使用者組 change group 用於變更檔案或目錄的所屬群組。chmod命令 改變檔案或目錄許可權 changethe permissions mode ...

linux 常用命令及全稱

首先明確一點,shell中第乙個輸入的資料一定是指令或者可執行的檔案 指令後面加選項和引數 linux中一切皆是檔案,即linux世界中的所有 任意 一切東西都可以通過檔案的方式訪問 管理。所以學好一系列的檔案操作很重要 好用的快捷鍵 ctrl alt t terminal 調出命令列 tab鍵 我...

學習記錄 Linux常用命令以及全稱

pwdprint working directory 列印當前目錄 cdchange directory 切換目錄 lslist 列出當前目錄下檔案 dirdirectory 列出目錄內容 vdirverbose directory 列出目錄內容並附帶各檔案詳細資訊 同ls l catconcate...