PHP pthreads 多執行緒

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$id: book.xml 642 2013-07-19 01:28:13z netkiller $


$date: 2013-07-19 09:28:13 +0800 (fri, 19 jul 2013) $


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編譯php時需要加入 --enable-maintainer-zts 選項才能安裝pthreads

# pecl install pthread

cat > /srv/php-5.5.7/etc/conf.d/pthreads.ini <


class test extends thread

public function run()

}}$pool = new test('a');

$pool = new test('b');

$pool = new test('c');

foreach ($pool as $w)


$pool = array();

while($member = $row->fetch(pdo::fetch_assoc))


} }


class examplework extends stackable

public function run()

}class exampleworker extends worker

public function run()

}/* dead ****** pthreads pool */

class pool

/* submit stackable to worker */

public function submit(stackable $stackable) else trigger_error(sprintf("failed to push stackable onto %s", $this->workers[$id]->getname()), e_user_warning);


}} return false;

}public function status()


} /* shutdown the pool of threads cleanly, retaining exit status locally */

public function shutdown()

}}/* create a pool of ten threads */

$pool = new pool(100);

/* create and submit an array of stackables */

$work = array();

for ($target = 0; $target < 1000; $target++)

for ($i=0;$iisrunning())

} printf("\r\n");


PHP pthreads 多執行緒操作

1 php採用安全執行緒模式進行編譯 enable maintainer zts 必須加上 configure options prefix usr local php with config file path usr local php etc enable fpm with fpm user ...

多執行緒 多執行緒原理


多執行緒(一) tomcat 多執行緒

web server允許的最大執行緒連線數還受制於作業系統的核心引數設定,通常windows是2000個左右,linux是1000個左右。1.編輯tomcat安裝目錄下的conf目錄下的server.xml檔案 maxthreads 150 表示最多同時處理150個連線,tomcat使用執行緒來處理...