hibernate 的幾種查詢 工作中使用到的

2021-09-24 10:46:25 字數 3730 閱讀 1900


// 獲取檢查單例項列表

string tplsql = "from checkformtemplate t where t.type=-1 and t.id in("+ instanceidstr +")";

session session = getsession();

return session.createquery(tplsql).list();

long count = (long) session.createquery("select count(*) from checkformtemplate where type=-1").uniqueresult(); 


string result = (string) session .createquery("select result from checkformtemplate where id=:id")

.setparameter("id", id)


list list = session

.createquery("from checkform where dataid=:id order by checkitem,checknote")

.setparameter("id", id)



session.createquery("delete from dictentity").executeupdate();

string hql = "delete basicdataobject where  id = '" + id + "'";

string sql = "delete from data_object_basic_old where id = '" + id

+ "' and owner_id = '" + ownerid + "'";

try {






string sql = "insert into sys_team (description, " +

"jianpin_name, " +

"parent_id, " +

"pinyin_name, " +

"project_id, " +

"project_type, " +

"row_create_client, " +

"row_create_time, " +

"row_creator, " +

"row_sort_order, " +

"row_update_client, " +

"row_update_time, " +

"row_updater, " +

"team_code, " +

"team_name, " +

"team_id) values ('',:jianpinname,:parentid,:pinyinname, :projectid, :projecttype, :createclient, :createtime, :creator, :sortorder, :updateclient, :updatetime, :updater, '', :teamname, :teamid)";

session session = this.gethibernatesession();


.setparameter("jianpinname", team.getjianpinname())

.setparameter("parentid", team.getparentid())

.setparameter("pinyinname", team.getpinyinname())

.setparameter("projectid", team.getprojectid())

.setparameter("projecttype", team.getprojecttype())

.setparameter("createclient", team.getrowcreateclient())

.setparameter("createtime", team.getrowcreatetime())

.setparameter("creator", team.getrowcreator())

.setparameter("sortorder", team.getrowsortorder())

.setparameter("updateclient", team.getrowupdateclient())

.setparameter("updatetime", team.getrowupdatetime())

.setparameter("updater", team.getrowupdater())

.setparameter("teamname", team.getteamname())

.setparameter("teamid", team.getteamid())


string sql = "update commnct_notice_notification cnn set cnn.filesize = '"

+ filesize

+ "', cnn.filepath = '"

+ filepath

+ "', cnn.deleteflag = '', cnn.notification_security = '"

+ notificationsecuritylevel

+ "', cnn.notification_num = '"

+ notificationnum

+ "', cnn.model_identification = '"

+ notificationmodelidentify

+ "', cnn.notification_company = '"

+ notificationcompany

+ "', cnn.notification_drawing_num ='"

+ notificationdrawingnum

+ "', cnn.notification_replace = '"

+ notificationreplace

+ "' where cnn.pid = '"

+ notificationvo.getnotificationdocid()

+ "' and cnn.noticeid = '"

+ notificationvo.getnotificationid()

+ "'";

int updatecount = getnotificationdao().gethibernatesession()


posted @

2016-03-24 11:22

赤子之心_timefast 閱讀(




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