mysql 常用SQL語句介紹(持續更新)

2021-09-24 14:54:12 字數 4684 閱讀 2704




create table test_table (colnum_name1 varchar(50),colnum_name2 datatime)


drop table test_table

3、select 查詢字段資料:

select * from test_table

select column_name1,column_name2 from test_table

4、where 篩選資料:

select * from test_table where column_name='str'

select * from test_table where column_name!='str'


為空的記錄:select * from test_table where column_name is null

不為空的記錄:select * from test_table where column_name is not null

6、delete 刪除資料記錄:

delete from test_table where column_name='str'

7、insert 增加資料記錄:

insert into test_table (column_name1,column_name2) values('str1','str2')

8、update 修改字段資料:

update test_table set column_name1='str1' where column_name2='str2'

update test_table set column_name1='str1',column_name2='str2' where column_name3='str3'

9、replace 替換字段資料中某個字串:

update test_table set column_name=replace(column_name,'str1','str2')

10、join 資料庫表關聯:

select a.*,b.* from test_table1 left join test_table2 on table1.column_name1=table2.column_name2

select a.*,b.* from test_table1 right join test_table2 on table1.column_name1=table2.column_name2

select a.*,b.* from test_table1 inner join test_table2 on table1.column_name1=table2.column_name2


交叉條件(and):select * from test_table where column_name1='str1' and column_name2='str2'

並列條件(or):select * from test_table where column_name1='str1' and column_name2='str2'

多條件(in):select * from test_table where column_name in('str1','str2')

12、distinct 字段資料去重:

select distinct column_name from test_table

13、group by 按欄位資料分組:

select * from test_table group by column_name

分組求和:select c_type,sum(c_total) as c_total from test_table group by c_type

分組計數:select c_type,count(*) as c_cnt from test_table group by c_type

分組計數(字段資料不為空):select count(column_name1) as column_name1from test_table group by column_name2

14、order by 按欄位資料排序:

select * from test_table order by column_name(順序/公升序)

select * from test_table order by column_name desc(逆序/降序)

優先順序問題: where 優先於 group by,group by 優先於 order by



當前日期:select date(now())

當前年月:select left(now(),7)

當前月份:select month(now())

當前年份:select year(now())

當前日期前7天:select date_add(now(),interval -7 day)

當前日期前30天:select date_add(now(),interval -30 day)

當前日期前乙個月(詳細時間):select date_add(now(),interval-1 month)

當前日期前乙個月(年月日):select date(date_add(now(),interval-1 month))

當前日期前乙個月(年月):select left(date_add(now(),interval-1 month),7)

當前日期前乙個月(月份):select month(date_add(now(),interval-1 month))

當前日期前乙個月(月份):select month(date_add(now(),interval-1 month))


select c_id,c_time from test_table where c_time date(date_add(now(),interval-3 month))


日期比較(大-小):select datediff(date(now()),mid("dqsc_20190714002754",6,8))




select * from (select '5月資料' as name,'2019-05' as sj union all

select '6月資料' as name,'2019-06' as sj union all

select '7月資料' as name,'2019-07' as sj) as test

where sj=left(date(date_add('$-01',interval-1 month)),7)


預設:select * from test_table


①等於條件查詢:select * from test_table where column_name ='$'

②引數為空查詢所有:select * from test_table where 1=1 $

③ in條件查詢:select * from test_table where column_name in ('$')

④ in條件為空查詢所有:select * from test_table where 1=1 $

17、length 長度

select column_name,len(column_name) as str_len from test_table

select * from test_table where len(column_name)>7

18、group_concat 分組後組內資料拼接

select group_concat(c_province,c_city) from tablename group by c_province,c_city


select group_concat(c_province,c_city order by c_province) from tablename group by c_province,c_city

select group_concat(c_province,c_city order by c_province desc) from tablename group by c_province,c_city


建立索引:create index id from tablename(c_id)

建立多欄位索引:create index id from tablename(c_id,c_name)

檢視索引:show index from tablename

刪除索引:drop index id on tablename


show  variables like '%version%'

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