演算法題 字串解碼

2021-09-25 06:51:41 字數 1379 閱讀 3588

1,  給定乙個字串,目標是將寫在#%之間的字串,重複#號前面的數字次數(數字只會是個位數),

2,例如: 輸入結果: strs = "he3#llo%world

輸出結果: res = "hellollolloworld"

輸入結果:strs = "he3#ll2#o%wo%rld"

輸出結果: res = "helloowolloowollooworld"

3, 演算法思想:  利用乙個棧資料結構,用來存放"#"對應的索引下標,在遍歷字串中,若遇到"%",則將棧中的元素退出來,進行匹配操作。

1, 程式

class solution(object):

def __init__(self):

# 主要存放"#"字元對應的下標

self.stack =

def makestrs(self, strs):

if strs == "" or len(strs) == 0:

return strs

data = 0

i = 0

# 遍歷字串

while i < len(strs):

# 碰到"#"字元,就將索引值存入stack中

if strs[i] == "#" and i != 0:

# 碰到"%"字元, 就從stack中推出元素

elif strs[i] == "%" and i != 0:

left = self.stack.pop()

right = i

if left != 0:

if strs[left -1].isdigit():

data = int(strs[left-1])

temp = data * strs[left+1:right]

strs = strs[0:left-1] + temp + strs[right+1:]

i = len(strs[0:left-1] + temp)

i = i + 1

if len(self.stack) > 0:

return none


return strs

if __name__ == "__main__":

solution = solution()

# strs = "he3#llo%world"

strs = "he3#ll2#o%wo%rld"

res = solution.makestrs(strs)

print("res = %s" % res)

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