2021-09-25 13:12:40 字數 2408 閱讀 6525

新建測試表 :

create table public.students

(id int not null ,

name varchar(20) ,

age int ,

grade int ,

course varchar(20) ,

score numeric(18,1) ,

credit numeric(18,2)


常用命令 :

檢視表結構  \d public.students

模糊查詢表 \dt *students*

新增字段 alter table public.students add column phone varchar(20);

修改欄位名稱 alter table public.students rename phone to tellphone;

修改字段型別 alter table public.students alter column phone set data type varchar(18);

重新命名 alter table public.students rename to students_bak0724;

插入資料 insert into public.students

select 1,'zhangsan',18,9,'語文',81.5,4.24,'13011112222'

union select 1,'zhangsan',18,9,'數學',90,4.24,'15500001111'

union select 2,'lisi',17,8,'語文',88,3.75,'18733334444'

檢視建表語句 select export_tables ('','public.students')

vertica匯入資料檔案 cpoy public.students from /data/v_data/verticadata/a.txt delimiter ',' (如果是admin使用者,資料檔案可以放在任何目錄下,如果不是,資料檔案就需要放在/data/v_data/verticadata/這個目錄下,否則就會報 『permission denied for storage location [路徑]')

vertica匯出資料檔案 vsql -u username -w password -at -f'|' -c "select * from public.students" -o /data/v_data/verticadata/b.txt (-u 賬戶名 -w密碼 -f匯出資料切割符 -o匯入目標檔案不存在會直接建立)

vertica查詢表字段 select column_id,column_name from columns where upper(table_schema) = 'public' and upper(table_name) = 'students'

vertica查詢表使用次數 select table_schema , table_name, count(1) as used_count from dc_projections_used group by table_schema , table_name

vertica 查詢表大小 select anchor_table_schema , anchor_table_name, sum(used_bytes)/1024/1024/1024 as size_g from projection_storage group by anchor_table_schema , anchor_table_name

vertica 查詢節點資訊 select * from nodes

vertica 查詢磁碟使用情況 select sum(disk_space_used_mb) as disk_space_used_mb ,sum(disk_space_free_mb) as disk_space_free_mb from disk_storage


獲取 transaction_id 和 statement_id

profile select * from public.students a where id > 2 and id <= 5;


select * from v_monitor.execution_engine_profiles where transaction_id=45035996283088106 and statement_id=28;


select * from v_monitor.query_plan_profiles where transaction_id = 『45035996283088106』 and statement_id = 28 ;

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