集群中 啟動rabbitmq 節點 報錯

2021-09-26 06:59:49 字數 1358 閱讀 5314

error: unable to perform an operation on node 'rabbit@li-2-pc'. please see diagn

ostics information and suggestions below.

most common reasons for this are:

* target node is unreachable (e.g. due to hostname resolution, tcp connection o

r firewall issues)

* cli tool fails to authenticate with the server (e.g. due to cli tool's erlang

cookie not matching that of the server)

* target node is not running

in addition to the diagnostics info below:

* see the cli, clustering and networking guides on

ation.html to learn more

* consult server logs on node rabbit@li-2-pc



attempted to contact: ['rabbit@li-2-pc']


* connected to epmd (port 4369) on li-2-pc

* epmd reports: node 'rabbit' not running at all

no other nodes on li-2-pc

* suggestion: start the node

current node details:

* node name: 'rabbitmqcli-4568-rabbit@li-2-pc'

* effective user's home directory: c:\users\li-2

* erlang cookie hash: 9jr+pqfjpinhbdm6csvmfa==

配置了集群節點後,因為電腦異常關機後,再次開啟後,不能自動新增到集群中,而且,使用rabbitmqctl cluster_status 命令會報上述錯誤

而且使用rabbitmq-service start 、rabbitmq-service stop、正常




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訊息和佇列可以指定是否持久化,如果指定持久化則會儲存到硬碟上 不然只在記憶體裡 普通集群模式下持久化的佇列不能重建了 記憶體節點和磁碟節點的區別就是將元資料放在了記憶體還是硬碟,僅此而已,當在集群中宣告佇列 交換器和繫結 這些操作會同步元資料到所有節點 預設情況下,佇列只會儲存在乙個節點上,其他只是...