oracle 重新命名列

2021-09-26 09:39:39 字數 1379 閱讀 5646


select count(1) from (select to_number(extract(hour from checktime)) 

as check_hour

from sams_checkinout where check_hour >= to_number(22))


with e as (select to_number(extract(hour from checktime)) 

as check_hour from sams_checkinout)

select count(1) from e where check_hour >= to_number(22);

with as的語法:


with tmp as (select * from tb_name)



tmp as (select * from tb_name),

tmp2 as (select * from tb_name2),

t*** as (select * from tb_name3),


特別對於union all比較有用。(union 操作符用於合併兩個或多個 select 語句的結果集,union all 命令會列出所有的值)

因為union all的每個部分可能相同,但是如果每個部分都去執行一遍的話,則成本太高,所以可以使用with as短語,則只要執行一遍即可。


sql1 as (select to_char(a) s_name from test_tempa),

sql2 as (select to_char(b) s_name from test_tempb where not exists (select s_name from sql1 where rownum=1))

select * from sql1

union all

select * from sql2

union all

select 'no records' from dual

where not exists (select s_name from sql1 where rownum=1)

and not exists (select s_name from sql2 where rownum=1);


使用方法 alter table test rename to test1 使用場景 對於乙個很大的日誌表,沒有做分割槽表,之前也從未清理過,現在需要清理,要求只保留3個月資料。如果直接用delete,oracle會記錄大量的日誌,並且有可能撐爆回滾表空間。最好的處理方法是新建乙個表,把想要的資料放...

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