
2021-09-26 21:23:27 字數 2847 閱讀 1635



private sub cmdexport_click()

call exporttoexcel(msflexgrid1)

end sub

private sub cmdinquery_click()

dim txtsql, msgtext as string

dim mrc as adodb.recordset


if dtpicker1.value < dtpicker2.value then


txtsql = "select * from recharge_info where datetime between '" & dtpicker1.value & "' and '" & dtpicker2.value & "' "

set mrc = executesql(txtsql, msgtext)


if mrc.eof and mrc.bof then

msgbox "沒有查詢結果!", 0 + 48, 提示

exit sub


with msflexgrid1


.rows = 1

.cols = 6


.textmatrix(0, 0) = "卡號"

.textmatrix(0, 1) = "充值金額"

.textmatrix(0, 2) = "充值日期"

.textmatrix(0, 3) = "充值教師"

.textmatrix(0, 4) = "結賬狀態"


do while mrc.eof = false

.rows = .rows + 1

.textmatrix(.rows - 1, 0) = mrc.fields(1)

.textmatrix(.rows - 1, 1) = mrc.fields(2)

.textmatrix(.rows - 1, 2) = mrc.fields(3)

.textmatrix(.rows - 1, 3) = mrc.fields(4)

.textmatrix(.rows - 1, 4) = mrc.fields(5)



end with

end if


msgbox "起始日期不能大於終止日期!", 0 + 48, 提示

exit sub

end if

end sub



private sub cmdexport_click()


call exporttoexcel(msflexgrid1)

end sub

private sub cmdinquery_click()

dim txtsql, msgtext as string

dim mrc as adodb.recordset


if dtpicker1.value < dtpicker2.value then

msgbox "起始日期不能大於終止日期!", 0 + 48, 提示

exit sub

end if


txtsql = "select * from cancelcard_info where datetime between '" & dtpicker1.value & "' and '" & dtpicker2.value & "' "

set mrc = executesql(txtsql, msgtext)

if mrc.eof and mrc.bof then

msgbox "沒有查詢結果", 0 + 48, 提示

exit sub



with msflexgrid1

.rows = 1

.cols = 6

.textmatrix(0, 0) = "卡號"

.textmatrix(0, 1) = "退還金額"

.textmatrix(0, 2) = "退還日期"

.textmatrix(0, 3) = "結賬人員"

.textmatrix(0, 4) = "結賬狀態"

do while not mrc.eof

.rows = .rows + 1

.textmatrix(.rows - 1, 0) = mrc.fields(0)

.textmatrix(.rows - 1, 1) = mrc.fields(1)

.textmatrix(.rows - 1, 2) = mrc.fields(2)

.textmatrix(.rows - 1, 3) = mrc.fields(3)

.textmatrix(.rows - 1, 4) = mrc.fields(4)



end with

end if

end sub


金額查詢涉及到日曆,vb6.0的工具欄中是沒有這個控價的,於是我們要到工程裡面找 方法如下 工程 部件 控制項 microsoft windows common controls 26.0 應用 確定 載入後的圖形顯示 思路 部分 知識點 這裡有一點感覺很重要,就是連線 查詢語句 txtsql se...

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一 思維導圖 二 如何導圖excel 三 展示 private sub cmdinquiry click dim mrc as adodb.recordset dim txtsql as string dim msgtext as string 查詢選定範圍裡的資料 txtsql select fr...

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msgbox 終止日期不能早於起止日期!vbokonly vbexclamation,提示 exit sub else if mrc.eof true then msgbox 沒有資料記錄!vbokonly vbexclamation,提示 exit sub end if end if with m...