leetcode 騰訊精選50題 21

2021-09-27 03:16:00 字數 720 閱讀 4426

given a linked list, rotate the list to the right by k places, where k is non-negative.


class solution:

def rotateright(self, head: listnode, k: int) -> listnode:

if not head:

return none

if not head.next:

return head

old_tail = head

n = 1

while old_tail.next:

old_tail = old_tail.next

n += 1

old_tail.next = head

new_tail = head

for i in range(n - k % n - 1):

new_tail = new_tail.next

new_head = new_tail.next

new_tail.next = none

return new_head


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