逆向常用工具 class dump

2021-09-28 20:18:35 字數 1724 閱讀 7054

進行逆向時,經常需要dump可執行檔案的標頭檔案,用以確定類資訊和方法資訊,為hook相關方法提供更加詳細的資料.class-dump的主要用於檢查儲存在mach o檔案的objective-c中的執行時資訊,為類,類別和協議生成宣告資訊,與

tool -ov


class-dump [options]

usage: class-dump [options] where options are:

-a show instance variable offsets

-a show implementation addresses

--arch choose a specific architecture from a universal binary (ppc, ppc64, i386, x86_64, armv6, armv7, armv7s, arm64)

-c only display classes matching regular expression

-f find string in method name

-h generate header files in current directory, or directory specified with -o

-i sort classes, categories, and protocols by inheritance (overrides -s)

-o output directory used for -h

-r recursively expand frameworks and fixed vm shared libraries

-s sort classes and categories by name

-s sort methods by name

-t suppress header in output, for testing

--list-arches list the arches in the file, then exit

--sdk-ios specify ios sdk version (will look in /developer/platforms/iphoneos.platform/developer/sdks/iphoneos.sdk

--sdk-mac specify mac os x version (will look in /developer/sdks/macosx.sdk

--sdk-root specify the full sdk root path (or use --sdk-ios/--sdk-mac for a shortcut)

class-dump -h  -o

class-dump -s -h  -o
class-dump --list-arches
class-dump -f


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