
2021-09-29 01:51:46 字數 2510 閱讀 3847

select cp.khmc 客戶名稱,

case when cp.khh is not null then

(select case when kh.khlx = 0 then '個人'

when kh.jgkhsf = 2 then '金融機構'

else '機構' end from tkhxx kh where kh.id=cp.khh)


(select case when tqz.khlx=0 then '個人'

else '機構' end from tqzkhxx tqz where tqz.id=cp.qzkhid)

end 客戶型別,

(select ry.ryxm from tryxx ry where ry.id=cp.ryxx) 客戶經理,

(select (select td.tdmc from ttdbm td where td.id=ry.td) from tryxx ry where ry.id=cp.ryxx) 團隊名稱,

cpdm.cpqc 產品名稱,

cpdm.cpmc 期數,

case when cpdm.cplx=1 then


when cpdm.cplx=2 then


end 產品型別,

to_char(to_date(cpdm.clrq,'yyyymmdd'),'yyyy-mm-dd') 成立日期,

zj.jzj 交易金額,

case when cpdm.cplx=1 then


to_char((case when cpqx.xmqx=1 then round(cpqx.cpqx/365,7)

when cpqx.xmqx=2 then round(cpqx.cpqx*30/365,7)

when cpqx.xmqx=3 then round(cpqx.cpqx) end),'fm990.0000000')

end 業績係數,

case when cpdm.cplx=1 then



(case when cpqx.xmqx=1 then zj.jzj*round(cpqx.cpqx/365,7)

when cpqx.xmqx=2 then zj.jzj*round(cpqx.cpqx*30/365,7)

when cpqx.xmqx=3 then zj.jzj*cpqx.cpqx end)

end 核算規模

from tcpyy cp,tfp_cpdm cpdm,txsxm_cpqx cpqx,(

select zj.cpyyid,sum(zj.jzje) jzj from tzjjz zj where zj.zjzt=1 and zj.shzt=2 and zj.zjqr=1 group by zj.cpyyid) zj

where cp.id=zj.cpyyid

and cp.cpid=cpdm.id

and cp.yyzt=2

and cp.cpqx=cpqx.id

and cp.yygmje=zj.jzj and cpdm.clrq>=20190401 and cpdm.clrq<=20191010

union all


null 客戶名稱,

null 客戶型別,

null 客戶經理,

null 團隊名稱,

null 產品名稱,

'合計' 期數,

null 產品型別,

null 成立日期,

sum(zj.jzj) 交易金額,

null 業績係數,


case when cpdm.cplx=1 then



(case when cpqx.xmqx=1 then zj.jzj*round(cpqx.cpqx/365,7)

when cpqx.xmqx=2 then zj.jzj*round(cpqx.cpqx*30/365,7)

when cpqx.xmqx=3 then zj.jzj*cpqx.cpqx end)

end)) 核算規模

from tcpyy cp,tfp_cpdm cpdm,txsxm_cpqx cpqx,(

select zj.cpyyid,sum(zj.jzje) jzj from tzjjz zj where zj.zjzt=1 and zj.shzt=2 and zj.zjqr=1 group by zj.cpyyid) zj

where cp.id=zj.cpyyid

and cp.cpid=cpdm.id

and cp.cpqx=cpqx.id

and cp.yyzt=2

and cp.yygmje=zj.jzj and cpdm.clrq>=20190401 and cpdm.clrq<=20191010

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