Windows 平台上的 InnoDB

2021-09-30 04:01:17 字數 2585 閱讀 2654


e:/lamp/mysql/bin>mysqld-max-nt --standalone --console

innodb: error: you must set the log group home dir in my.cnf the

innodb: same as log arch dir.

020410 23:52:53 can't init databases


e:/lamp/mysql/bin>mysqld-max-nt --standalone --console

innodb: operating system error number 3 in a file operation.

innodb: see for installation help.

innodb: the error means the system cannot find the path specified.

innodb: in installation you must create directories yourself, innodb

innodb: does not create them.

innodb: file name d:/data/mysqldbf/ibdata/ibdata1

innodb: cannot continue operation.

解釋:目錄沒有建立,必須手工用 mkdir 先!

e:/lamp/mysql/bin>mysqld-max-nt --standalone --console

innodb: the first specified data file d:/data/mysqldbf/ibdata/ibdata1 did not ex


innodb: a new database to be created!

020410 23:54:44 innodb: setting file d:/data/mysqldbf/ibdata/ibdata1 size to 30

0 mb

innodb: database physically writes the file full: wait...

020410 23:55:11 innodb: log file c:/iblogs/ib_logfile0 did not exist: new to be


innodb: setting log file c:/iblogs/ib_logfile0 size to 30 mb

innodb: database physically writes the file full: wait...

020410 23:55:14 innodb: log file c:/iblogs/ib_logfile1 did not exist: new to be


innodb: setting log file c:/iblogs/ib_logfile1 size to 30 mb

innodb: database physically writes the file full: wait...

020410 23:55:17 innodb: log file c:/iblogs/ib_logfile2 did not exist: new to be


innodb: setting log file c:/iblogs/ib_logfile2 size to 30 mb

innodb: database physically writes the file full: wait...

innodb: doublewrite buffer not found: creating new

innodb: doublewrite buffer created

innodb: creating foreign key constraint system tables

innodb: foreign key constraint system tables created

020410 23:55:27 innodb: started

020410 23:55:28 mysqld-max-nt: table 'mysql.func' doesn't exist

020410 23:55:28 can't open mysql/func table

mysqld-max-nt: ready for connections


把原先的 myisam 表全部轉換成了 innodb :

1.mysqldump --opt dbname>dbname.sql

2.mysqladmin drop dbname

3.mysqladmin create dbname

4.修改 dbname.sql ,首行加

set autocommit=0;



並把所有的 type=myisam 修改為 type=innodb 。

5.mysql dbname < dbname.sql


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