Oracle 增刪列,為列增加注釋,修改主鍵等

2021-09-30 06:46:44 字數 1781 閱讀 6792

drop table study;

drop table student;

drop table course;

/create table  student

(sid varchar(10),

sname varchar(30),

primary key (sid));/

create table course

(cid varchar(10),

cname varchar(50),

primary key (cid));/

create table study

(sid  varchar(10),

cid  varchar(10),

score integer  default 0 check (score between 0 and 100),

constraint pk_study  primary key (sid)  --注意此處設定主鍵約束名,便於後面修改表的主鍵);/


select * from student;

select * from study;

/--以表 student,study,score 為例


alter table student  add (*** varchar2(2) default '女',age integer,address varchar(100)) ;


alter table student modify *** varchar2(4)  default '男';


alter table student drop column address;


alter table student rename column   sid to sno;

/alter table student rename column   sno to sid;


rename study to learn;

/rename learn to study;


-- 給表新增釋

comment on table study is '學習資訊表';


comment on column study.sid is '學員編號';


alter table study add constraint fk_study_r_student_s foreign key (sid) references  student(sid); /



select t.constraint_name from user_constraints t where table_name='study' and constraint_type='p' and rownum<2;


alter table study drop constraint  pk_study 



alter table study add constraint pk_study  primary key (cid,sid); 


select * from student;

select * from study;

select * from course;/

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