Apache HttpCore 入門手冊目錄

2021-09-30 08:07:36 字數 3618 閱讀 1307

httpcore-tutorial (httpcore入門)

preface (序言)

1. httpcore scope (httpcore的適用範圍)

2. httpcore goals (httpcore的產生的目的)

3. what httpcore is not (httpcore哪些方面沒有涉及)

1. fundamentals (基本結構)

1.1 http messages (http訊息機制)

1.1.1 structure 結構

1.1.2 basic operations (基本操作)

1.1.3 http entity (http實體)

1.1.4 creating entities (建立http實體)

1.2 blocking http connections (模組化的http連線)

1.2.1 working with blocking http connections (如何使用模組化http連線)

1.2.2 content transfer with blocking i/o (使用模組化i/o傳送訊息正文)

1.2.3 supported content transfer mechanisms (被支援的訊息正文傳輸機制)

1.2.4 terminating http connections (終止http連線)

1.3 http exception handling (http異常處理)

1.3.1 protocol exception (協議異常)

1.4 http protocol processors (http協議處理器)

1.4.1 standard protocol interceptors (標準協議***)

1.4.2 working with protocol processors (如何使用協議處理器)

1.4.3 http content (http訊息正文)

1.5 http parameters (http引數)

1.5.1 http parameter bean (http引數單元)

1.6 blocking http protocol handlers (模組化的http協議操作)

1.6.1 http service (http服務)

1.6.2 http request executor (http請求執行器)

1.6.3 connection persistence / re-use (連線持久化與重用)

2. nio extesions - non-blocking i/o model (非模組化的io擴充套件)

2.1 benefits and shotcomings of the non-blocking i/o model (非模組化的io帶來的好處與壞處)

2.2 differences from other nio frameworks (與其他nio的區別)

2.3 i/o reactor (i/o反應堆)

2.3.1 i/o dispatchers (i/o 分發器)

2.3.2 i/o reactor shutdown (i/o反應堆的關閉)

2.3.3 i/o sessions (i/o會話)

2.3.4 i/o session state management (i/o會話狀態管理)

2.3.5 i/o session event mask (i/o會話事件遮罩)

2.3.6 i/o session buffers (i/o會話快取)

2.3.7 i/o session shutdown (i/o會話關閉)

2.3.8 listening i/o reactors (監聽i/o反應堆)

2.3.9 connecting i/o reactors (連線i/o反應堆)

2.4 i/o reactor exception handling (i/o反應堆異常處理)

2.4.1 i/o reactor audit log (i/o反應堆審查日誌)

2.5 non-blocking http connections (非模組化的http鏈結)

2.5.1 execution context of non-blocking http connections (非模組化http連線的執行上下文)

2.5.2 working with non-blocking http connections (如何使用非模組化的http連線)

2.5.3 http i/o control (控制http i/o)

2.5.4 non-blocking content transfer (非模組化的訊息正文傳送)

2.5.5 supported non-bloking content transfer mechanisms (被支援的非模組化訊息正文傳送機制)

2.5.6 direct channel i/o (直接使用i/o通道)

2.6 http i/o event dispatchers (http i/o 事件分發器)

2.7 non-blocking http entities (非模組化http實體)

2.7.1 content consuming non-bloking http entity (非模組化的http實體訊息正文消費者)

2.7.2 content producing non-bloking http entity (非模組化的http實體訊息正文生產者)

2.8 non-blocking http protocol handlers (非模組化http協議控制代碼)

2.8.1 asynchronous http service handler (非同步http服務端控制代碼)

2.8.2 asynchronous http client handler (非同步http客戶端控制代碼)

2.8.3 compatibility with bloking i/o (與模組化的i/o的相容性)

2.8.4 connection event listener (連線事件監聽)

2.9 non-blocking tls/ssl (非模組化tls/ssl)

2.9.1 ssl i/o session (ssl i/o 會話)

2.9.2 ssl i/o event dispatches (ssl i/o 事件分發)

3. advanced topics (更高階的話題)

3.1 http message parsing and formatting (http訊息的解析與格式化)

3.2 customizing http connections (定製http連線) 

ps. 看書先看目錄,對於乙個手冊看清楚目錄就是對他功能上有個全面的概念,根據自己的實際的需要去閱讀響應的章節。怕翻譯有誤,特中英對照

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