GoldenGate故障處理 表空間不足

2021-09-30 10:45:07 字數 2228 閱讀 7149




2010-02-01 17:19:18  ggs error 

103  discard file (./dirrpt/rep1.dsc) 

exceeded max bytes (10000000).


$ tail -500 rep1.dsc

dealpkid = a28e4f741a73636c2ffb3561c087aad4

paytime = null

paymoney = null

taxpayerid = 07047761

dataflag = 0

skybillno = 20100201000061699800

qsyhhh = null

sfxysh = 402420051647

*current time: 2010-02-01 15:00:25

ora-01653: unable to extend table aaa.tb_lvy_tempinvoic by 1024 in tablespace aaa, sql

operation failed at seqno 1304 rba 57112519

discarding record on action discard on error 1653

problem replicating aaa.tb_lvy_tempinvoic to aaa.tb_lvy_tempinvoic

error (1653) occurred with insert record (target format)...

*tempinvoicedatadetailid = de81b1461a7365773ff6a93fd2f90cad

invoiceitemcode =

00000000: d0 a1 b9 a4 


|ruleandexplain = null

projectaddress = null

unit = null

amount = null

unitprice = null

invoicesum = 99.00

transfeesubtotal = null

otherfeesubtotal = null

projectquantity = null

projecttotalmoney = null

projectfeeorpay = null

deductionpreparematerial = null

deductionprojectprogressmoney = null

remark = null

tempinvoicedataid = 236001000002_10035435

itemflag = null

mileage = null

itemname = null

itemcode = null

checkitem = null

deducttax = null

floorno = null

areatype = null

area = null

itemproperty = null

itemremark = null*


根據錯誤我們可以看出直接引起goldengate程序停止的原因是discard檔案被寫滿了,是什麼原因造成discard檔案被寫滿的呢?從discard檔案中我們看到是發生了ora-01653: unable to extend 錯誤,看到這裡我相信大家都知道該怎麼處理了吧,我們只要擴充套件這個aaa.tb_lvy_tempinvoic物件所在的表空間的大小即可。



舉例:select owner,table_name,tablespace_name from dba_tables


舉例:  alter tablespace tbs_03

add datafile 'tbs_f04.dbf'

size 100k

autoextend on

next 10k

maxsize 100k;


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