
2021-09-30 12:12:45 字數 1138 閱讀 9537

;with a as

(select convert(varchar(10),starttime,120) starttime,

case when organid like '0226%' then '**' else '非**' end as deptname,

sum(case  when billableseconds>=0 then 1 else 0 end )as a,--總進線,

sum(case when billableseconds>=3 then 1 else 0 end ) as b,--'3秒以上進線',

sum(case when billableseconds=0 then 1 else 0 end) as c-- 未接通

from dbo.bmdcallcenterrecord b(nolock)

join brm_lvjian.dbo.mddepartment md(nolock) on b.departmentid=md.id

where did like '89%'

and calltype='1'

and starttime>='2014-6-1'

group by convert(varchar(10),starttime,120),organid

)select starttime,deptname,sum(a) as '總進線',sum(b) as '3秒以上進線',sum(c) as '未接通' from a

group by starttime,deptname

order by deptname,starttime


2014-06-06 非** 42 6 35

2014-06-07 非** 53 12 41

2014-06-08 非** 88 0 88

2014-06-09 非** 90 13 76

2014-06-10 非** 54 11 42

2014-06-11 非** 49 12 37

2014-06-12 非** 39 10 29

2014-06-13 非** 49 17 32

2014-06-14 非** 36 6 30

----不管按什麼來分組,就是group by 分組分類,後面sum.

python分組統計資料 資料分組統計

統計分析資料的時候,經常需要進行分組統計。分組操作在python裡的實現方式就是groupby語句。慣例,咱們先造乙個dataframe表。import pandas as pd dic 結果為 math physics science class a 77.0 176 88 b 38.5 100 ...


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