ab 測試命令

2021-09-01 04:01:34 字數 2386 閱讀 9793

ab 命令引數很多,只需要使用常用-n(執行請求次數)和-c(每次請求的請求個數)引數即可。

[root@wubolu-centos wubolu]# ab -n 1000 -c 100

this is apachebench, version 2.3 <$revision: 655654 $>

benchmarkingwww.0430.us (be


completed 100 requests

completed 200 requests

completed 300 requests

completed 400 requests

completed 500 requests

completed 600 requests

completed 700 requests

completed 800 requests

completed 900 requests

completed 1000 requests

finished 1000 requests

server software:        nginx/0.7.58

server hostname:www.0430.us

server port:            80

document path:          /

document length:        54514 bytes

concurrency level:      100

time taken for tests:   72.161 seconds#總請求時間

complete requests:      1000

failed requests:        0

write errors:           0

total transferred:      54750000 bytes

html transferred:       54514000 bytes

requests per second:    13.86 [#/sec] (mean)#平均每秒的請求數

time per request:       7216.117 [ms] (mean)#平均每次請求消耗的時間

time per request:       72.161 [ms]#平均每次請求中每個請求個數消耗的時間

transfer rate:          740.94 [kbytes/sec] received

connection times (ms)

min  mean[+/-sd] median   max

connect:       15  142 493.5     46    3158

processing:   849 4629 8717.6   1262   59673

waiting:       24  129 428.3     44    3656

total:        874 4771 8783.3   1320   59707

percentage of the requests served within a certain time (ms)

50%   1320#就是有50%的請求都是在1320ms內完成的

66%   2246

75%   4270

80%   4566

90%  11259

95%  23123

98%  45445

99%  46058

100%  59707 (longest request)


ab apache bench是apache下的乙個工具,主要用於對web站點做壓力測試,它可以測試安裝web伺服器每秒種處理的http請求 引數說明 n請求次數 c每次的併發 p傳送post請求時需要上傳的檔案,此外還必須設定 t引數 t c 新增cookid e輸出結果資訊到csv格式的檔案中 ...


ab是apachebench命令的縮寫。ab是apache自帶的壓力測試工具。ab非常實用,它不僅可以對apache伺服器進行 訪問壓力測試,也可以對或其它型別的伺服器進行壓力測試。比如nginx tomcat iis等 ab的原理 ab命令會建立多個併發訪問執行緒,模擬多個訪問者同時對某一url位...


1.短時壓力測試工具 ab 命令 apache的工具 關鍵指標 requests per second 98.52 sec mean 平均每秒的請求數 time per request 30449.217 ms mean 平均每個請求消耗的時間 time per request 10.150 ms ...