python Socket程式設計(一)

2021-09-01 04:08:09 字數 1851 閱讀 9499


''' created on 2012-3-8 @author: administrator ''' #!/usr/bin/env python from socket import * from time import ctime host='' port=21567 bufsiz=1024 addr=(host,port) tcpsersock = socket(af_inet,sock_stream) tcpsersock.bind(addr) tcpsersock.listen(5) while true: print 'waiting for connection...' tcpclisock,addr=tcpsersock.accept() print '...connection from',addr while true: data=tcpclisock.recv(bufsiz) if not data: break tcpclisock.send('[%s] %s' %(ctime(),data)) tcpclisock.close() tcpsersock.close()


''' created on 2012-3-8 @author: administrator ''' #!/usr/bin/env python from socket import * from time import ctime host='localhost' port=21567 bufsiz=1024 addr=(host,port) tcpclisock = socket(af_inet,sock_stream) tcpclisock.connect(addr) while true: data=raw_input('>') if not data: break tcpclisock.send(data) data=tcpclisock.recv(bufsiz) if not data: break print data tcpclisock.close()


>yushh [fri mar 09 14:04:55 2012] yushh >woshi da bendan [fri mar 09 14:05:36 2012] woshi da bendan >


1、服務端socket(af_inet,sock_stream) 建立tcp連線套接字




''' created on 2012-3-8 @author: administrator ''' #!/usr/bin/env python from socket import * from time import ctime host='' port=21567 bufsiz=1024 addr=(host,port) udpsersock = socket(af_inet,sock_dgram) udpsersock.bind(addr) while true: print 'waiting for connection...' data,addr = udpsersock.recvfrom(bufsiz) udpsersock.sendto('[%s] %s' %(ctime(),data),addr) print '...connection from and return to:',addr udpsersock.close()




python Socket程式設計(一)

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