Oracle Tablespace之間資料遷移

2021-09-01 06:10:55 字數 1566 閱讀 7977


分割槽表資訊: dba_part_tables

顯示分割槽: dba_tab_partitions

顯示子分割槽: dba_tab_subpartitions

顯示分割槽列: dba_part_key_columns



顯示索引分割槽:dba_ind_partitions [/size]

select 'alter table '||table_name||' move tablespace wzrq ;'

from user_all_tables where tablespace_name='gzns'

union all

select 'alter table '||table_name||' move tablespace wzrq ;'

from dba_lobs where tablespace_name='gzns'

union all


select 'alter table '|| table_name ||' move partition '||partition_name||' tablespace wzrq nologging; '

from dba_tab_partitions where 1=1

and tablespace_name='gzns'

order by table_name ,partition_position


select 'alter index '||index_name|| ' rebuild tablespace wzrq;'

from user_indexes where index_type='normal' and tablespace_name='gzns'

and dropped='no'

union all

select 'alter index '||index_name|| ' rebuild tablespace wzrq;'

from user_indexes where index_type='normal' and table_owner='wzrq'

and dropped='no'


alter table knowledgeitem move lob(kilocaltext) store as (tablespace wzrq);

alter table mail_job move lob(mail_content) store as (tablespace wzrq);

alter table fax_job move lob(fax_content) store as (tablespace wzrq);





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這段時間負責某個專案開發的資料庫管理工作,這個專案中開發庫與測試資料庫分離,其中某些系統表資料與基礎資料資料經常需要進行同步,為方便完成指定資料表的同步操作,可以採用dblink與merge結合的方法完成,簡單方便。操作環境 此資料庫伺服器ip為192.168.196.76,有center與bran...


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