oracle 許可權管理常用語句

2021-09-01 06:34:00 字數 1522 閱讀 1727


---dba: 擁有全部特權,是系統最高許可權,只有dba才可以建立資料庫結構。



---對於普通使用者:授予connect, resource許可權。

---對於dba管理使用者:授予connect,resource, dba許可權。

---系統許可權授權命令:系統許可權只能由dba使用者授出:sys, system(最開始只能是這兩個使用者)

---授權命令:grant connect, resource, dba to 使用者名稱1 [,使用者名稱2]...;

grant connect, resource, dba to testuser

grant connect,resource to testuser;

grant create any sequence to testuser;

grant create any table to testuser;

grant delete any table to testuser;

grant insert any table to testuser;

grant select any table to testuser;

grant unlimited tablespace to testuser;

grant execute any procedure to testuser;

grant update any table to testuser;

grant create any view to testuser;


select * from user_sys_privs;


select * from user_tab_privs;


select * from dba_role_privs;

select * from dba_sys_privs;

select * from role_sys_privs;


select * from session_privs;


alter user c##cdbtest2 identified by c##cdbtest2;


drop user testdb cascade;


revoke connect, resource from user01;

revoke select, update on product from user02;

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