
2021-09-01 09:54:04 字數 2496 閱讀 2677

1、manager.raw(raw_query, params=none, translations=none)

... print(p)

john smith

jane jones



>>> person.objects.raw('''select first as first_name,

... last as last_name,

... bd as birth_date,

... pk as id,

... from some_other_table''')

>>> name_map =

>>> person.objects.raw('select * from some_other_table', translations=name_map)


... print(p.first_name, # this will be retrieved by the original query

... p.last_name) # this will be retrieved on demand

...john smith

jane jones




>>> lname = 'doe'

>>> person.objects.raw(query)



物件django.db.connection表示預設的資料庫連線。要使用資料庫連線,請呼叫connection.cursor()來獲得乙個游標物件。然後呼叫cursor.execute(sql, [params])方法以執行sql


from django.db import connection

def my_custom_sql(self):

with connection.cursor() as cursor:

cursor.execute("update bar set foo = 1 where baz = %s", [self.baz])

cursor.execute("select foo from bar where baz = %s", [self.baz])

row = cursor.fetchone()

return row


cursor.execute("select foo from bar where baz = '30%%' and id = %s", [])


def dictfetchall(cursor):

"return all rows from a cursor as a dict"

columns = [col[0] for col in cursor.description]

return [

dict(zip(columns, row))

for row in cursor.fetchall()


from collections import namedtuple

def namedtuplefetchall(cursor):

"return all rows from a cursor as a namedtuple"

desc = cursor.description

nt_result = namedtuple('result', [col[0] for col in desc])

return [nt_result(*row) for row in cursor.fetchall()]

>>> cursor.execute("select id, parent_id from test limit 2");

>>> dictfetchall(cursor)

[, ]


msg show successfully error tag 0 用connection庫 和原生的sql語句讀資料庫,如下 from django.db import connection 匯入connection sql str select from book str型別的原生sql語句 c...

django使用raw 執行sql語句多表查詢

python3.7 django2.2.16 mysql5.7 資料庫表 product 產品表 model replace 產品型號替換表 兩個表並沒有外來鍵關聯關係,只是通過乙個product unique sign去關聯 product product id product name prod...


歡迎加入python學習 667279387 今天在django views.py看到同事寫的 裡面有段關於資料庫查詢的語句。因為涉及多個表的查詢,所以django 的models的查詢無法滿足需求,所以直接執行了sql語句。他是按照下面的方法實現的。try connection mysqldb.c...