hashMap 屬性說明

2021-09-01 17:10:37 字數 1442 閱讀 6323

public class hashmapextends abstractmapimplements map, cloneable, serializable

{ /**

* the default initial capacity - must be a power of two.

*/static final int default_initial_capacity = 16;//預設初始容量(陣列大小)

/*** the maximum capacity, used if a higher value is implicitly specified

* by either of the constructors with arguments.

* must be a power of two <= 1<<30.

*/static final int maximum_capacity = 1 << 30;//1073741824最大的容量範圍

/*** the load factor used when none specified in constructor.

*/static final float default_load_factor = 0.75f;//載入因子預設0.75

/*** the table, resized as necessary. length must always be a power of two.

*/transient entry table;//儲存資料的entry陣列


transient int size;//陣列的大小

/*** the next size value at which to resize (capacity * load factor).

* @serial

*/int threshold;//臨界值=載入因子*初始容量(當size大於臨界值就會出現陣列擴充到原來2 倍)

/*** the load factor for the hash table.

** @serial

*/final float loadfactor;//載入因子預設0.75

/*** the number of times this hashmap has been structurally modified

* the hashmap or otherwise modify its internal structure (e.g.,

* rehash). this field is used to make iterators on collection-views of

* the hashmap fail-fast. (see concurrentmodificationexception).

*/transient volatile int modcount;//修改的次數

hashMap 屬性說明

public class hashmapextends abstractmapimplements map,cloneable,serializable the default initial capacity must be a power of two.static final int defa...

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