LIRE的使用 建立索引

2021-09-01 19:46:09 字數 1477 閱讀 7766

lire(lucene image retrieval)提供一種的簡單方式來建立基於影象特性的lucene索引。利用該索引就能夠構建乙個基於內容的影象檢索(content- based image retrieval,cbir)系統,來搜尋相似的影象。lire使用的特性都取自mpeg-7標準: scalablecolor、colorlayout、edgehistogram。





* ****** index creation with lire

* * @author mathias lux, [email protected]

*/public class indexer

if (!passed)

// getting all images from a directory and its sub directories.

arraylistimages = fileutils.getallimages(new file(args[0]), true);

// creating a cedd document builder and indexing al files.

documentbuilder builder = documentbuilde***ctory.getcedddocumentbuilder();

// creating an lucene indexwriter

indexwriterconfig conf = new indexwriterconfig(luceneutils.lucene_version,

new whitespaceanalyzer(luceneutils.lucene_version));

indexwriter iw = new indexwriter( file("index")), conf);

// iterating through images building the low level features

for (iteratorit = images.iterator(); it.hasnext(); ) catch (exception e)

}// closing the indexwriter


system.out.println("finished indexing.");




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