
2021-09-01 19:59:47 字數 2443 閱讀 7028

// containerimpl  中定義的靜態內部類


* injects a field or method in a given object.

*/inte***ce injector extends serializable

static class missingdependencyexception extends exception


// 一些injector 的實現類

static class fieldinjector implements injector 


this.externalcontext = externalcontext.newinstance(field, key, container);

}// 此處是核心關鍵呼叫的方法

public void inject(internalcontext context, object o) catch (illegalacces***ception e) finally


static class parameterinjector

//member 反映有關單個成員(欄位或方法)或構造方法的標識資訊。

t inject(member member, internalcontext context) finally


static class constructorinjector catch (missingdependencyexception e) 

injectors = container.injectors.get(implementation);



private constructorfindconstructorin(clas******mentation)

found = constructor;}}

if (found != null)

// if no annotated constructor is found, look for a no-arg constructor

// instead.

try catch (nosuchmethodexception e)


* construct an instance. returns instead of

* because it may return a proxy.

*/object construct(internalcontext context, class<? super t> expectedtype)

// if we're re-entering this factory while injecting fields or methods,

// return the same instance. this prevents infinite loops.

t t = constructioncontext.getcurrentreference();

if (t != null)

try finally

// store reference. if an injector re-enters this factory, they'll

// get the same reference.


// inject fields and methods.

for (injector injector : injectors)

return t;

} catch (instantiationexception e) catch (illegalacces***ception e) catch (invocationtargetexception e) finally


// container介面實現類中需要 重要的變數定義和方法定義

threadlocallocalcontext = new threadlocal() 


* looks up thread local context. creates (and removes) a new context if

* necessary.

*/t callincontext(contextualcallablecallable) finally

} else

} // 注意此處的介面定義

inte***ce contextualcallable


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