微信掃碼支付 xml解析

2021-09-02 12:35:57 字數 1570 閱讀 7733

* 解析xml,返回第一級元素鍵值對。如果第一級元素有子節點,則此節點的值是子節點的xml資料。

* @param strxml

* @return

* @throws jdomexception

* @throws ioexception

public static map doxmlparse(string strxml) throws jdomexception, ioexception else {

v = xmlutil.getchildrentext(children);

m.put(k, v);



return m;

* 獲取子結點的xml

* @param children

* @return string

public static string getchildrentext(list children) {

stringbuffer sb = new stringbuffer();

if(!children.isempty()) {

iterator it = children.iterator();

while(it.hasnext()) {

element e = (element) it.next();

string name = e.getname();

string value = e.gettextnormalize();

list list = e.getchildren();

if(!list.isempty()) {

return sb.tostring();

* 獲取xml編碼字符集


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